It’s a Rally, Really!

February 14, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I think I’ve introduced the Juanita reading public to State Rep Leo Berman before.  His seat ain’t in the full upright and locked position, if ya know what I mean.

Well, he’s having himself a Secession Rally.

State Rep. Leo Berman (R-Tyler) will serve as legislative sponsor for a Texas Independence Rally on the south steps of the state capitol in Austin March 5 as part of the 175th anniversary of Texas independence.

Actual photo of actual Leo Berman

Knowing how deeply I feel about bringing you the best of Texas, I will try real hard to get to that rally and take some pictures of the people who think America ain’t good enough for them.

According to the Houston Press, which is often very trustworthy, Berman insists he is not for succession.  However, he feels it is perfectly a-okay for him to sponsor a succession rally.

He says he has “no qualms” about supporting a secession rally. Is there any group out there whose message is so far out, so radical and dangerous that he would refuse to be a legislative sponsor for them?

“I”m very, very, very strongly pro-life,” he says. “So I would not support an abortion-type rally.”

Yeah, well, exercising a constitutionally protected right is certainly more radical than succeeding from the United States of America.  Sarcasm is just another of the free and friendly services we offer here.

And we very, very, very strongly hope he never has an abortion.

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