It’s a Damn Four Ring Circus
Glenn Beck is having himself one of those football stadium rally events at Cowboy stadium. His is called, ironically, “Restoring Love.” The man who has mastered name calling and taken hatred to an art form wants to restore love. That’s so nice.
He says that people are coming from all over the globe.
There are some who are concerned about Glenn’s charity not exactly being a charity. I am not one of them. I figure these damfools would give their money to teevee preachers if they weren’t giving it to Glenn. Plus, the way I see it, that’s just a lot less money they can spend on ammo and tube tops. I mean, that’s gotta be a cultural improvement.
Did I mention that one of their raffle items is a “Ted Nugent signed calcified moose skull.” Now there’s another guy who is all about love.
Besides, Glenn Beck is all about love and faith and restoration and little baby kittens and grandma kisses and chalk. He’s big on chalk.
Now, I have to admit that that seeing a global event in Cowboy Stadium in the middle of July with water selling for about $4 a bottle is gonna be fun to watch.
Did I mention that there’s a shooting range event billed as, “Join Marcus Luttrell, Tania Beck, Scott Robertson and others on the range for a few hours of shooting fun to support a good cause.” They don’t mention what the good cause it but you gotta admit, nothing say love more than heavy artillery.
Did I mention that Michelle Bachman and Oliver North are coming?
Change that title – this sucker is a five ring circus.