“It Makes Us All Look Like Idiots”

May 11, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: The Big Lie, Uncategorized

At least one Arizona state senator has awakened from his stupid coma and realized how the botched and completely unnecessary “audit” of Maricopa County election ballots has made his state a laughingstock.  In an interview with the NYTimes, state senator Paul Boyer said,

“It makes us look like idiots.  Looking back, I didn’t think it would be this ridiculous. It’s embarrassing to be a state senator at this point.”

Well, no shit.  You’ve just now figured that out, Paul?  Just how ridiculous did you think it was going to be? What in ANY of your party’s efforts gave you the slightest impression that all of you wouldn’t look like idiots?  You approved an audit that hired an unqualified partisan company whose CEO buys into The Big Lie.  Then they didn’t hire anyone who’s ever audited an election.  Then you barred the press, and now keep the ballots in an insecure place.  No matter the result of this “audit” (and I know what the result will be), at least half of Americans won’t believe it because you made ZERO effort to make it even appear to be impartial. This “audit” is not about restoring faith in our elections, it’s about destroying faith in our elections so you and your other partisan pals around the country can justify passing voter suppression laws and even authorizing yourselves to TAKE OVER THE PROCESS if you don’t like the results.

So, FUCK YOU, Paul, and the partisan nag you rode in on.  You’re the problem and most certainly should have nothing to do with the solution.  Late repentance makes you yet another charter member of The Jeff Flake I’m a Coward Club.  You only speak out AFTER it matters.

That is all.


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0 Comments to ““It Makes Us All Look Like Idiots””

  1. I think you’ve summed it up pretty well.

  2. Nick Carraway says:

    Amazing how that works. They all know it’s a farce. They just hope their voters won’t know. The problem is that every bit of news that comes out just reveals the horrible and hilarious truth.

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    Boyd doesn’t just look like an idiot. He is an idiot.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    I am just amazed how folks around this audit are able to have such straight faces when interviewed on TV. Professional liars are probably getting tips from these GOP hacks.

  5. Is Paul Boyer upset because their little Republican third rate magic act made them look bad, or because it’s wrong? I’m betting he hoped they could have pulled off the trick of at least looking legit.

    But there’s no sleight of hand, no misdirection. Hell, even Bullwinkle managed to pull SOMETHING out of his hat (with nothing up his sleeve).

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    What will be their story when this comes to a close? Lies will require more lies so I’m expecting that in AZ and the cultists will believe anything. As for mr boyer trying to flee the sinking ship, it’s way too late. Haven’t read much about him but I’m guessing he’s supported everything from the big lie to the insurrection, so yes, way too late.

  7. I hope this is a copy of an actual letter you sent to him.

  8. slipstream says:

    OT: The NRA’s attempt to declare bankruptcy and flee to Texas just got slapped down by the federal judge. The NRA will have to face the music in New York.


  9. Nobody made you look like idiots. You did that all on your own.
    And you don’t look like idiots, you ARE idiots.

  10. Bob Boland says:

    Yes, Mike. Very true. But it’s so nice when perception and reality align so closely. That way there is no confusion.

  11. SHARON G. says:

    … and yet we haven’t heard diddly squat on the “thousands” of false ballots. You would think we would get some sort of updates.

  12. john in denver says:

    There are so MANY oddities about the fraudit in Phoenix that it will have something for everyone.
    Political insider deals?
    Conspiracy theory?
    Unusual personal characteristics among the main circle of the episode?
    Potential criminal liability?

    Check, check, check, check, check, & check. Add unexplained lights in the sky or maybe an unusual pizza restaurant, and there could be a full barrel of the strange.

  13. Rick @ 5:
    Not a fair comparison.
    Bullwinkle didn’t know his own strength.
    Bout time for a new hat!

  14. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Boyer is behind the times…the “audit” process they devised doesn’t make the AZ GOP *look like idiots*…it reveals that they *are* idiots. As does he, for not calling foul from the first.
