It Just Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This, Thank God.
And coming to you from western Pennsylvania …
A pastor in western Pennsylvania is speaking out after being accused of open lewdness and indecent exposure after being caught by police with a bound naked man in a car parked on a public street.
No, no, wait, seriously. It was totally innocent.
The pastor, 61-year-old George Nelson Gregory of Munhall, Pa., tells KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh, “I was counseling a young man with a drug problem.”
“It did turn strange, but it wasn’t my doing, OK? And I was adamant that I’m not participating in that way. And so that’s when the police pulled up, and they assume things, but I’m standing by my story. It’s not true.”
Strange? Nah, it happens everyday for a pastor to be in a car with a bound nakkid young man on a public street in full view of nearby homes, for, you know, counseling. No, I’m serious. It does.
Get a room, dude. At least they have Gideon Bibles there.
Thanks to Carl for the heads up.