It Is What It Is and It Is 110 Years

June 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Allen Stanford is gonna be making little rocks out of big rocks.

Former jet-setting Texas tycoon R. Allen Stanford, whose financial empire once spanned the Americas, was sentenced Thursday to 110 years in prison for bilking investors out of more than $7 billion over 20 years in one of the largest Ponzi schemes in U.S. history.

U.S. District Judge David Hittner handed down the sentence during a court hearing in which two people spoke on behalf of Stanford’s investors about how his fraud had affected their lives.

Prosecutors had asked that Stanford be sentenced to 230 years in prison, the maximum sentence possible after a jury convicted the one-time billionaire in March on 13 of 14 fraud-related counts. Stanford’s convictions on conspiracy, wire and mail fraud charges followed a seven-week trial.

Yeah, 230 years was a couple of years too much.

Take it away, Willie.  If ya wanna dance, you gotta play the band.

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0 Comments to “It Is What It Is and It Is 110 Years”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    How about we give the other 120 years to the lying, cheating, greedsters of Wall Street who Ponzied thousands on Americans right out of their homes? I hope Stanford and Madoff both have very, very long lives ahead of them in their 10×6 cells.

  2. About time. Stanford has been living high on the hog for the past four years while we taxpayers footed the bill for this trial. Probably cost us a few million samolians to get this critter caged.

    Unfortunately he wasn’t the only one doing the dirty dancing back then, and he is far from the last. I blogged about this guy and his ilk over three years ago [] and the onslaught hasn’t slacked up since. But we’re a pro-bidness capitalocracy, so we must encourage de bidness…

    …so that they can give us de bidness and line de congresscritter’s pockets.

  3. Kate oDubhagain says:

    I’m glad to see that a jury is giving serious time to this guy. So many times they receive a few years and they’re turned out to prey on the public again.

    People like Stanford do a whole lot more damage than some guy with a few flakes of maryjane, and they need to do the time that their damage entailed.

  4. Given the allegations that among those he lost money for was the Gulf Cartel, he might be safer in prison.

  5. Why is Tom Delay still free?
    And what is going on with him?

  6. Still with Diane on DeLay – at least one of these white collar thieves got some time in the Big House~

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I’m also wondering what Diane wonders. Why IS Delay still walking around in street clothes instead of wearing a white jumpsuit courtesy of the state of Texas?

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    DeLay’s appeal merits a separate thread. Three of the four Republican justices on the Austin Court of Appeals have recused and DeLay has challenged one of the two Democrats as biased. It his challenge succeeds Texas Supreme Court Justice Jefferson will appoint a third justice to serve on the three justice panel hearing DeLay’s appeal. He can appoint a justice from another court of appeals or a retired court of appeals justice. The decision of the Court of Appeals can be appealed to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals which is the supreme court in Texas in criminal case appeals. That court is viewed as a “hangin court” but all nine are Republicans. Don’t touch that dial, radio fans, but stay tuned for further developments.

  9. is anyone going to investigate tagg and mitt romney’s involvement with this crook?
