It Is A Sad Day At The Beauty Salon
The news is not good.
Newt Gingrich seems to have blown a 20 point lead in less than a week. Michele Bachmann’s campaign manager in Iowa jumps the sinking ship support to Ron Paul. Rick Perry is lost somewhere in Canada, looking for home.
The circus is running out of clowns and that is sad news.
There’s dotty old Uncle Ron Paul, who ruins everybody’s Thanksgiving dinner by screeching for an hour about “kids today.” I swear to God, if he wins, he’ll sit on the Truman balcony throwing rocks at little children. His health care plan: You should have thought about health care before you went and got cancer, young man.
There’s Mitt who wins the title of The Most Uninteresting Man in the World. Slogan: “I don’t always think on my own, but when I do, I’ll bore the crap outta you.”
Help me, Rick Santorum, you’re our only hope.
That’s sad. I have to depend on Rick Santorum for jokes. That’s sad.
I figure Santorum will bottom out by next Thursday and the only one left to keep it going will be Rick Perry because he’s got money and he’s going through it faster than a bullet with legs. Do you have any idea how much his fund raising is costing Texas taxpayers? For every $1,000 he brings in we’ll have to pay $10,000 in non-bid contracts to his donors – for stuff we don’t need.
So, we’re going broke with no entertainment. That is sad.