It Appears to be Catching On

May 07, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Many of you know about newly elected Texas Republican Congressman Blake Farenthal, who got elected despite posing in  ducky pajamas with an underage girl.

Or maybe because of it, it’s pretty much anybody’s guess at this point.

Texas Governor Rick Perry is betting on the second option.

Gov. Rick Perry held an impromptu press conference just off the Senate floor early Wednesday afternoon, after spending the better part of an hour in the chamber visiting Senators.

Whilst wearing black sneakers and what appeared to be pajama pants, accompanied by the Senate’s mandated coat and tie — Perry spoke about the Senate’s budget…

Okay, I’m just suspect this and I can’t prove it but I think the little boy who got stuck with Perry’s arm around him is saying, “Dude, don’t touch me.  You look like Charlie Sheen.”

What is this – Governor Ninja?  Seriously, Rick, pajama pants and tennis shoes?  What are you doing?  Taking out the garbage?

Damn, y’all, it is so embarrassing to have the town drunk for a Governor.

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