It Ain’t Like We Need to Alert the Media

June 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So a Tea Party leader in Dallas says that the GOP doesn’t want black folks to vote.

Trust me, that is not news.  That is olds.

“I’m going to be real honest with you,” Tea Party leader Ken Emanuelson said at a Dallas County Republican Party event on May 20. “The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they are going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.”

He now says he “misspoke.”

No, no, Ken.  Misspeak is when you say the meeting is Tuesday when you meant to say Wednesday.  What you said is not misspeaking – it is saying out loud what is said behind every Republican closed door meeting.

And, Ken, next time – do not shave your head before saying something racist.  It’s just unattractive.

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0 Comments to “It Ain’t Like We Need to Alert the Media”

  1. maryelle says:

    He prefaced his “misspeak” with, “I’m going to be real HONEST with you…”. Did he think he was telling them something they didn’t already know? He was jest tryin’ to be a good ole boy and fit in with his people. I’m going to go out on a limb and bet that there aren’t ten people in the whole country who do not know that the Repugs don’t want blacks or any other minorities to vote. Case in point: voter ID laws which were an attempt to make it harder for those same people to be counted,
    If the SCOTUS strikes down the voter protection law, we’re going to have a civil rights fight on our hands which rivals that fought in the 1960’s.

  2. Umptydump says:

    Archie Bunker lives. People like Emanuelson can’t help themselves.

  3. daChipster says:

    I gotta give him the benefit of the doubt re: “Misspeak.”

    The Teabaggers only tell the truth by accident, so clearly, in doing so, he misspoke.

  4. The Tea Party is an embarrassment and disgrace to the nation…. organized bigotry remains bigotry regardless of how they try to disguise it (or in this case – don’t try to disguise it).

  5. W C Peterson says:

    There is a huge difference between saying “The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they are going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.” and *doing everything in their power* to prevent black people from voting.
    The Republicans are working very hard to disenfranchise ‘Non-Republicans’ all over this country and we have to stop that effort. The best way is to insist on paper ballots so there is an actual record of votes cast.

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    OK – when a Repug tells the truth it is ‘mis-speaking’. Got it!

  7. He “misspoke” by stopping too soon. He meant to say, “Republicans don’t want black people to vote… and we’re doing our darnedest to make sure they don’t.”

  8. If there’s any positive in this, I’m glad these loonies are finally saying what they really believe. No apologies accepted. No clarifications accepted.

  9. Now JJ, cut him some slack, he misspoke. What he meant to say is that only one in ten black people is intelligent enough to vote.

  10. BarbinDC says:

    What I want to know is: How many of the Rethugs don’t think black people are actually, you know, citizens? Since they so many of their ancestors were brought over here unwillingly?

  11. Citizens? Rethugs don’t think black people are actually, you know, people.

    Same goes for women, gays, liberals, etc.

  12. Bottom Line: Repugs don’t think at all, let alone keep their tongues from uttering the truth, and nothing but the truth. They’ve been running off at the mouth for since Clinton won.

  13. *Sigh*

  14. Maybe with his glistening shaved head, he’s letting the Skinheads of Amurika know they are welcomed with open arms and loaded guns!

    As Democrats … we want to embrace every color, creed, and nationality … the more who come to us, the bigger voting bloc we have!!

  15. @Maryelle,

    I smirked at the “Let me be Honest” line. I remember being told in Power Talking to avoid that like or similar ones like “Honestly…” or “Truthfully…” because 1) often what does follow is not honest or truthful, but more important 2) it makes any other statement you’ve made questionable. In other words, “Oh now your being honest, so you weren’t before.”

  16. From the operating manual for Tea Party spokespersons:

    1. Open mouth.
    2. Insert foot.
    3. Push until you get to the knee.
    4. Chew vigorously.
    5. Remove foot and leg from mouth, close mouth.
    6. Repeat as necessary.
