Issa Punk Time

June 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember back in the Benghazi hearing with Darrell Issa cut off Congressman Elijah Cummings microphone like the squirrelly punk he is?

Well, Miss Karma Honey just walked in the door.

Lois LernerFormer House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) tried to crash former Hillary Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal’s deposition before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Tuesday.

Issa marched into the closed-door deposition and remained inside for about a minute before he was escorted out by the panel’s chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).

Poor Issa looks like a dandy fool over his Benghazi obsession.

He was so mad over getting kicked out that he “stormed off, throwing an empty soda can into a nearby trash bin.”

You know what’s a real shame?  That we weren’t all there to snicker at him.

Thanks to chloe bear for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Issa Punk Time”

  1. Edward Starsmith says:

    People who put soda cans in the trash instead of the recycle bin have no consideration of anything but themselves.

    But we already knew that about him.

  2. Hollyanna says:

    I can settle for snickering from afar. Miss Karma was bound to catch up with him–happy to see it happen now. It could only be better if the humiliation had been a bit more public…

  3. Rubymay says:

    Edward Starsmith — you beat me to it! The man never heard of recycling?!? Sheesh!

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Yo Trey, maybe you can fund your committee selling 8×10 colored glossies of Darrell getting the boot. Benghazi investigation #nth needs to be funded out of your pocket or some other means than our hard earned tax dollars. Seems you lunatics won’t be happy, until you waste as much money investigating Hillary as you did on investigating Bill.

  5. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    PKM, I am so over all the investigations that lead absolutely nowhere, are endless, and only use up our money where it is needed least! Such a total waste of resources!

  6. Consolation prize: we get to laugh at the clown car’s newest passenger, @RealDonaldTrump.

  7. 1toughlady says:

    Poor Darrell; love seeing him getting kicked to the curb by his own party! Karma Karmelia gotcha, Darrell, good riddance!

  8. Are we sure that was an empty soda can and not his marbles? I mean, it sounds as though he lost him during this encounter.

    And “D” is for Dumb-Ass.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    1smartcanerican™ there’s is nothing more insane and boring than GOP theatrics. If they had standards, they should dig up Reagan and charge him for his crimes. Then follow up with any Bush, dead or living in any way associated with either Bush administration. Oh yeah, and just for fun allow The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. to run the Senate and House ethics committees.

    And, Floriduh, STFU about Texas, until you deposit cement boot equipped Jebya and Marco in some quicksand. That leaves 48 states with a need to STFU, until their crooked critters are behind bars. Hear me California? Kansas?

  10. AliceBeth says:

    No treatment is too bad for Issa, he deserves humiliation and he owes us lots of our tax money he wasted….lots.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Everybody knew Issa’s brother did it. Didn’t need all these investigations for that conclusion.

  12. charles r. phillips says:

    I’m thinking it’s time to start investigating Martin O’Malley for Baltimore’s “Black Problem.”

    Or Sen. Bernie Sanders for his “Dual Citizenship.”

  13. ‘Scuse me, folks. I’ve had my share of trips up to Capitol Hill and guzzling soda whilst walking in the halls is something I’ve never ever seen cuz, you see, its just not allowed. Course someone as pants on fire important as D. Issa could care less. He insulted his institution, the building and all the rest of us with his cavalier sociopathy. And I don’t think Trey Gowdy likes this cowboy.

  14. @charles r. phillips

    I read of NPR’s question to Sen Sanders about “dual citizenship”, I just wonder why it would come up. And why Diane Rehms would ask, although she backtracked and apologized without stating for what she was fishing. It remains a puzzlement to me.

    Not sure what there is to investigate about either, aside from their involvement in the 2016 Democratic run up for POTUS.

  15. Well there went two thoughts into a head on collision. My apologies readers…

    Not sure what there is to investigate about either. All they have in common is their involvement in the 2016 Democratic run up for POTUS.

  16. I feel really bad for the people on Issa’s staff. They must have been really bad in their previous lives.

  17. Well, darn. I don’t like Trey Gowdy one bit but I guess he does have some good in him.

  18. Here is a link to a cute lil Vine Of Issa storming off in a snit

  19. scottybeamer says:

    I would have paid to see that…….the richest person in congress being told to leave……………

  20. I think this is right. All 50 states have laws against aluminum cans winding up in landfills. If one throws a can in the trash and it takes the usual route, one has broken the law. Oh wait, Issa doesn’t have to obey the law, unless maybe car theft, et. al., are in different categories than those mandated by the EPA.

  21. Bananas, just saw the clip. Thanks for the link! A couple of good reasons why Trey Gowdy threw him out. Actually you can walk in and observe a hearing, especially if there is seating room. I’ve been to enough of them. What you can’t do is, as I said before, slurp soda pop in the halls or the hearing rooms. Neither of these places are cafeterias, and there are written rules about this. That would be good reason #1. Trey Gowdy obeyed the rules and Issa didn’t. Next good reason: Issa has a way of taking over. I hope everyone saw the photo of this Nazi reaching over a colleague who was trying to speak and turn of his microphone. This is where I can say at least once that the web is blessing. The microphone move and now this ejection – by a committee chairman, no less – will make it around the world! Issa can’t hide any longer.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer thug. How the mighty have fallen.

  23. Maybe now Darrell Issa can go back to his true vocation: stealing cars.

  24. First of all, my bad. It wasn’t a hearing. It was a closed door meeting. Closed, mind you. Not locked. Yes, meetings are publicly listed. Gosh, you wouldn’t want the public to get the idea that there were conspiracies and such, would you? Issa was poaching, or at least trying to. The meeting was about Bengahzi, issa’s obsession. I think Gowdy had a hunch that Issa the Uninvited would try something so he was very near the door which is why it took three sneezes and a hiccup to evict the guy. Like I said, Gowdy does not like this cowboy.

  25. maryelle says:

    Mr. Large and in Charge Issa got the treatment he deserved. Now let’s hope this latest witch hunt fizzles quicker than the first. They are so full of themselves!
