Is This English? Is This Reasoning? Is This Talking? What The Hell Is This?

August 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump sits down with the Wall Street Journal in an “impromptu” meeting at the White House and makes me crazy.

First he says that his tariffs will help the American Steelworkers in the long run.  Well, that’s a guess.  Right now the tariffs are killing steel.  But, I kinda suspect that Trump has been told that steel has something to do with the Russia inquiry so it has to go, too.

Next, he covers his secret plan to win the midterms. He says Republicans will win.

“As long as I can get out and campaign, I think they’re going to win, I really do. It’s a lot of work for me. I have to make 50 stops, it’s a lot. So, there aren’t a lot of people that can do that, physically. Fortunately, I have no problem with that.”

Hold back there, Dumpy, you can’t walk a damn golf course.

And then get this.  Asked if his The Big Hoopla Tour might energize Democrats, Trump responds.

“It may. But it energizes my people much more than it energizes them. I think the Democrats give up when I turn out. If you want to know the truth, I don’t think it energizes them. I think it de-energizes them. I think they give up when I turn out.”

Yeah, he saps the precious bodily fluids right out of us.

Damn, maybe we should make English the official language.


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0 Comments to “Is This English? Is This Reasoning? Is This Talking? What The Hell Is This?”

  1. Remember that unbelievably long run on sentence speech?
    Lin-Manuel Miranda Presents: The Donald Trump Run-On Sentence Musical:

    English? Talk American…

    Lin-Manuel Miranda does 45’s Tweets:

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Ssssssssssssssssh .. please do not run this through the covfefe translator, not that Donnie would believe the truth. But. Continue to allow Donnie his delusions that he is ‘helping.’ The snacilbupeR deserve all the ‘help’ Donnie will bring to their side of the elections. When they’re eating their own, be polite – offer to replace their dinner forks with pitchforks.

  3. Have you all every heard of a dry drunk? There really is such a thing. The Golden Gibbon fits the bill. They exhibit exactly the same kind of thinking and iteration and other activity as a wet drunk without ever touching a drop. To bad their isn’t a 12 step program for them. However, you would have to convince them first that they have a genuine problem.

  4. I have a theory which combines this post with your next one about eating paper JJ:

    Trump, throughout the day, jots down his thoughts on pieces of paper. He snacks on them, digests them, and when they’re ready, after a second draft let’s call it, the uniquely reassembled words are released in a tweet, let’s call it. Like the quotes posted above.

    It’s akin to that Indonesian critter that eats whole coffee beans, which are subsequently collected, and then sold for close to the price of gold.

  5. @Rick

    Sadly civet coffee isn’t better to me than a cup of Café du Monde or Community coffee that has been run through my Chemex coffee maker at home.
