Is There Some Kind of Cop Contest Going On That We Don’t Know About?

December 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Victoria, Texas, is right down the road from me.  I have a lot of friends in Victoria, Texas.

Even some old ones.

Pete Vasquez is 76 years old and was pulled over by 23 year old Officer Nathaniel Robinson for having an expired inspection sticker on his car.

Vasquez explained to Officer Robinson that this was a work-owned vehicle that belonged to a car lot.  In Texas, dealer tags make you exempt from inspection stickers.  It’s the law.

Vasquez violated no laws, and for that he got slammed on the hood of a car, thrown on the cement ground, tasered twice, and cuffed.  He was placed in the back of a patrol car and kept in police custody for two hours.

“He just acted like a pit bull, and that was it,” Vasquez recalled. “For a while, I thought he was going to pull his gun and shoot me.”

Even witnesses to the event were threatened.

Larry Urich, who works as a sales manager at the car lot, told the Advocate that the officer should be both fired from the force and prosecuted for assault.

“I told the officer, ‘What in the hell are you doing?’ This gentleman is 76 years old,” Urich said. “The cop told me to stand back, but I didn’t shut up. I told him he was a goddamned Nazi Stormtrooper.”

Vasquez is lucky to be alive. Officer Nathaniel Robinson has been placed on “administrative leave.”

Somebody needs their butt kicked.

Thanks to Laura and Frank for the heads up.

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