Is That Valium in Your Pants or Are You Just Anti-Anxiety to See Me?

February 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, as if the Republican primary in Texas was not already a source of pride and entertainment, they now have the writ twits involved.

Steve Stockman (genuine crazy person) is running in the GOP primary against John Cornyn (who plays a crazy person in DeeCee).

Stockman jumped all over Cornyn by calling him Barack Obama’s best friend and then Stockman disappeared for a few weeks.  In his defense, he claims he did not disappear because people cannot disappear, and science the Bible clearly states that being invisible is not possible.  After all, he knew where he was.

So Cornyn’s people set up a little PAC called “I See Paris.  I See France.  I See Something in Steve’s Underpants.”  Okay, I made that up.  So sue me.  No wait.  I didn’t say that.  These guys probably would.  The PAC was named Texans for a Conservative Majority.

The PAC set about putting up a website where they reproduced a mug shot of Steve being charged with a felony for underwear drug possession, in clear violation of the peace and dignity of the State of Texas as defined in the Texas Criminal Code, Section Oh Dear Lord.

Steve is suing the PAC because he claims he was never arrested for a felony.

But, there’s this from the Dallas Morning News.

As for the felony charge, that stemmed from the time his girlfriend hid three Valium tablets in his underpants when he was reporting for a weekend in jail. “When they found that they charged me with a felony,” he told the Houston Chronicle.

Those interviews were back in 1995, during Stockman’s first two-year stint in Congress.

So, in 1995 Steve admits there was something in his underpants besides anything you could possibly expect and that he was indeed charged with a felony which was later reduced to a misdemeanor because nobody, and I mean nobody, wanted to talk about Steve Stockman’s underpants.

In addition, the underwear incident happened on his way to serve time in the county jail for traffic violations.  Hey, if you want to be a United States Senator one day and you find yourself going to county jail for a weekend, at least have the good sense to put a copy of the Constitution in your underwear.

So, Republicans in Texas have been reduced to talking about Steve Stockman’s underpants instead of jobs, education, or health care.

I guess that beat the hell out of talking about how they’ve screwed up Texas.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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