Is It Possible To Have Negative Poll Numbers?

December 09, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry, a man not content to leave this race with what little dignity and intelligence he has left, and I do mean little, decided to go out wearing a jacket from Brokeback Mountain

and yammering on about how persecuted he is because he is a Super DeLux Brand Christian and therefore not gay because people who love Jesus like he does have never, ever been gay.  So, there ya go.

Reminder:  Rick Perry is positively not gay.  Write that down somewhere because you’ll need it later.

Perry’s campaign team had to disable the “Like and Dislike” buttons on YouTube when their Dislike button got stomped on 250,000 times.

And even his top staff is fighting over the ad.  I don’t think that has anything to do with the Brokeback Mountain jacket but probably what Rick is hiding under it.

If Rick Perry wanted to make history, it’s working.  He may well be the first presidential candidate with negative polls numbers.

But, as a Yellow Dog Democrat, I would like to personally thank Rick for spending all of his rich friends’ money attacking Newt and Mitt in his latest ad.  In the new ad, Rick calls himself “an outsider,” which is real close to being a loner.  In the basement.  With kerosene and rags.  And an eye on the Texas Governor’s mansion.  Oops.

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