Irony is Sweet and Final

February 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s one for the Darwin Awards.

The commander of an Iraqi militant group accidentally killed 22 members of his unit Monday who were training to become suicide bombers after he conducted a demonstration with live explosives, the New York TimesĀ reported.

I say we ask for more demonstrations!

Thanks to TexasEllen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Irony is Sweet and Final”

  1. preferably in their own camps

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The timing is perfect for Dubya and Darth Dicky to tour Iraq on their well deserved victory lap for bringing their democracy to Iraq. Fair minded person that I am, it’s only fair that Dubya and Darth Dicky receive all the love Iraqis have for them.

  3. daChipster says:

    Now it is most important that you are remembering to not to push this button, until you are ready for the blowing up with many infidels.

    But commander, is that not a switch rather than a button?

    Foolish recruit into the glorious army of Allah, as the unwashed son of a goat you will surely get the ugliest of virgins upon your entry into paradise. A switch is flopped with a flopping motion like your slack jaw makes. A button is PUSHED… like THIS! Oh, n…..


  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    What the gomert, daChipsta?

    The army of Allah needs to take a vacation. Let the US targeted kill program do the recruiting for them. My bad, that’s already been done.

    Yeah, that old give a peace a chance thing might work, if someone steps up and stops being the killers. Raytheon, best friend of Al Qaeda ever! My apologies to Dubya, Cheney and MIC friends to their own off shore bank accounts.

    Just a notion, but when we stop killing, the rest of the world might see US as less a target.

    The real war on America is Penny Pritzker and the TPP.

  5. I guess I’m supposed to feel sorry for those folks–losing their lives and what not–but, somehow, I just don’t.

    See, the business about getting 72 (who came up with that number?) virgins when you die a martyr’s death has always bothered me a great deal. What in the Hell did those poor women DO to deserve that awful fate?

  6. The thing is…do they stay virgins? And if not, then what? Do they get traded in?

  7. BarbinDC: Who said the “virgins” were wimmen??

  8. Well, hell! Now thats what I call an OOPS!

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Yes, BarbinDC, we can feel for innocent wedding parties, collateral damage and all the displaced refuges.

    We didn’t learn from the French ruination in Viet Nam, nor the Russian screw up in Afghanistan.

    Heck of a job Dubya, two wars, $trillions in debt, and more anti-American sentiment than can be measured.

    Off budget wars that the Republicans expect Obama own and the rest of us pay with no participation by the war profiteers.

  10. Ready. Fire! Aim.

  11. Who knew the NRA holds weapons safety classes in Iraq?

  12. I think it was Robin Williams who suggested that what the martyrs would actually receive was 72 Virginians, starting with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, who would take turns beating the crap out of them for attacking America. (Robert E. Lee taking a shot would be too ironic for words.)

  13. m in el paso says:

    I like your mention of the Darwin awards (one of which this event truly deserves). Just in time for Darwin’s 105th (?) birthday on Wednesday (2/12).

  14. Those who can’t do, teach.


    Ahmed, what happened to the suicide bombing class of Winter, 2014?

    Mo, it is terrible: they all graduated early.

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’m reminded of the old Henny Youngman joke. “What’s the penalty for bigamy? Two wives.”

    I’m convinced that the 72 virgins thing was meant as a deterrent rather than an incentive.

    Just imagine having to live with 72 fifteen-year-old girls, FOR EVER. Even with the strength of God that would be a challenge.

  16. Sam in Kyle says:

    The Iraqi version of East Texas: “Hey y’all, watch what happens when I do this.”

  17. Totally speechless.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Good to know responsible gun ownership and NRA values aren’t confined to ‘murrica. Wonder if Allah accepts unreconstructed martyrs?

  19. Although the loss of any life is no cause to celebrate, the deaths of these would-be terrorists saved countless innocent Iraqi lives. According to the article, Iraqis are celebrating THAT!

  20. I have long held the belief that the “virgins” were nuns with rulers at the ready.

  21. Thank YOU, PKM. I haven’t been followiing TPP which we still need to do. I WILL say that I am lots more worried about Kbros than I am about whatever terrorists are wandering around in banana suits.

  22. TexasEllen says:

    Translation error: That’s 72 raisins.

  23. Gidget Commando says:

    This isn’t just the best Darwin Award EVAR. It opens up a whole new category of competition.

  24. Kay Carrasco says:

    * Look, they couldn’t *all* have been named Achmed!

    * You have to wonder how far down their enrollment numbers are now, huh?

    * The schadenfreude, it burns! It BURNS!!

    * All they got for this was a couple of jaded ex-groupies, cracking gum and comparing antibiotics. #72virginsfail

    Thank you, thank you very much. I’ll be here all week. Be sure and tip your servers…..

  25. Elizabeth2 says:

    Pay attention, now, I’m only going to show you this once . . .

  26. e platypus onion says:

    Anybody know if they passed the course? Color me curious.

  27. e platypus onion says:

    BTW-since Nugent has a haircut,we should call him New Gent and cheerfully send his arse “over there” as penance for stinking up the military back when he was actually needed for something. al-Qaeda will admire his cracking wise so much,Theodore will lose his head. His mind left decades ago.

  28. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, any possibility that we could get a group rate to Iraq for Dubya, Darthie, Rummie and the Neutered Gent?

    Like churches sell pews, we could sell seats on that plane and donate the proceeds to making Texas Blue. Make that a big plane. The Texas Congress varmints are as numerous as they are gohmert. Rep. Steve King (R-Crazytown) That one fooled me. He’s from Iowa, not Texas. We might need two planes to accommodate the gohmerting guests.

  29. Seems to me a huge part of being a successful suicide bomber is timing. For example if one intends to blow up one’s airline flight, one doesn’t want to prematurely detonate in the taxi on the way to the airport. So to speak.

  30. Let’s see. 60 virgins times 22 martyrs. Sorry boys, not enough virgins.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    Maybe it is true.There was a brilliant light before they reached the kingdom of Allah. The joke’s on them. Where do suicide bombers with poor timing vacation? All over Iraq.

  32. A friend of mine told me the 72 virgins are all in diapers, crying for the teat (or a bottle).
