Introducing …

August 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you guys to meet my esteemed seatmate on State Democratic Executive Committee.  His name is The Honorable Huey Rey Fischer and he is the youngest member of the Executive Committee.

(No, I am not the oldest and even if I were, do you think I’d admit to that?  There’s at least three white guys older than me and they are fond of getting up at meetings and saying things like, “If we’ve been doing something the same way for 100 years, there’s probably a good reason for it.”  Yeah, like how we still require everybody to ride a horse to Austin for the meeting.  They also announced that before we got any cockamamie newfangled ideas, we should check with the three old white guys prior to doing anything.  You know, because the old white guys are endowed with special knowledge and they have done such a bang up job making the Texas Democratic Party successful.  These opinions are my own and not Huey’s.  Huey is a much nicer person than I am.)

The Honorable Huey Rey Fischer

Anyway, Huey sits next to me and doesn’t make fun of me when I lose my glasses or attempt to tap on my computer screen thinking it’s my iPad, which I think is real nice of him.  He taught me how to Twitter during the Tom DeLay trial and even showed me how to win free pizza on the Twitter machine, which comes in handier than you’d suspect.

Huey is a student at UT (Hook ‘Em) and the retired president of University Democrats there.  He’s like 20 years old and already an elder statesman emeritus.

He’s kinda smart and plenty conniving.  In the good way.  Two years ago, he found a loophole that allowed him to serve on a committee at the State Convention before he was even allowed to register to vote.  He will be voting in his first Presidential election this year and is already on the Executive Committee and a national delegate.  Hell, it took me 45 years to do that and I am one conniving machine.

So you might have noticed a new link over there to the right for the Texas Monitor.  Huey and some friends started a blog of young, progressive voices in Texas.  I check it every day and especially to see if my seatmate has something smart to say.  He often does.

The only fault I can find with Huey is that he’s a vegetarian.  In Texas.  That just ain’t right.

Watch this kiddo.  He’s going places.

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