International Schadenfreude Day

July 19, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, what with Sarah Palin’s movie being about as popular as a boil on your butt and Rupert Murdoch being grilled on teevee by the British Parliament, The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. is declaring this International Schadenfreude Day.

That means you get to do a  spontaneous little happy dance in the center aisle of the grocery store, giggle in a crowded room for no apparent reason for those around you, smirk at will, put the little pot in the big pot and fry the skillet, and cut the wolf loose.

I truly enjoyed hearing Rupert Murdoch say, “This is the most humble day of my life.”  “So far,” I smirked.

Now, if Michelle Bachmann’s husband will have a press conference to admit that he has uncontrollable lust for Tom Cruise, I’ll sneeze glitter for the rest of the day.

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