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November 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, hook ‘um low today.

Texas Attorney General and Governor Wannabe Greg Abbott has a former field representative named Lorenzo V. Garcia.  Lorenzo is an Idea Man.

Here’s his latest idea.

He declared to to be Catch an Immigrant Day at the University of Texas in Austin.

The press release states “There will be several people walking around the UT campus with the label “illegal immigrant” on their clothing. Any UT student who catches one of these “illegal immigrants” and brings them back to our table will receive a $25 gift card.”

Now that’s just a whole mess of fun, ain’t it?




Nice Hispanic outreach, Abbott.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up laced with total disgust.

UPDATE:  Greg Abbott’s answer.


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So wait, it’s Wendy Davis’, President Obama’s, and shenanigans fault?  Did you see what he did there?  He made he cringe.  Yes, he did.

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