Inner Species Communication: Turkey to Turkey

January 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No kidding, Folks, the Turkish Ambassador responded to Rick Perry’s assertion that Turkey is run by “Islamic terrorists.”

First, Turkey is parliamentary representative democracy.  Rick Perry cannot pronounce those words but he loves saying Islamic terrorist so that’ll just have to do.  But, the really fun part comes when Turkey tells turkey —

Contrary to statements during the debate, Turkey receives no significant sums of foreign aid dollars from the U.S. Indeed, Turkey is a strong and growing trading partner with the U.S. in general, and with Texas in particular creating thousands of jobs throughout that state.

Rick, Dude, Turkey just punked you.

So, I suspect that if he’s ever President, those turkeys they pardon at Thanksgiving are gonna get shot dead like a coyote.  Damn Islamic terrorist turkeys.

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

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