Information Gathering
Donald Trump wants to hear from you concerning the burning issues of our time. I guess Trump is getting a little antsy during his Executive Time because he has a new hobby – whining about social media.
See, I don’t understand this whole Facebook is being mean to me thing. It’s not like the health care system or the IRS is being mean to you. It’s like they are being mean to you over at Joe’s Bar. So quit going to Joe’s Bar. Nobody makes you go to Facebook. Or Twitter.
Trump doesn’t care about much, but he really really cares about social media because he has the social maturity of a 12 year old.
So, he invented a place on the damn White House website for you to whine about how unfair social media is.
Trust me with the above link. Click it and you will be taken to Trump’s idea of important crap. Immediately after you okay the first page they start collecting information on you – your name, phone number, whether or not you’re a citizen, your profile on social media, your email address, and then they ask this —
Okay, seriously, how many Trump supporters know that information?
Then they give you the caveat.
Click here for the user agreement.
Okay, so nobody is going to read what you wrote but they will harvest the information when it comes time to empty your pockets for Trump’s election.
Just thought you’d want to see your tax dollars at work.
Thanks to Sam for the heads up.