Individual 1

November 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Easy to see why Trump calls it a witch hunt …

The Special Counsel has now secured guilty pleas from President Trump’s personal attorney, his campaign manager, his deputy campaign manager, a foreign policy advisor to his campaign, and his National Security Advisor. He has filed 191 charges against more than thirty individuals—almost all of whom are in President Trump’s orbit, Vladimir Putin’s orbit, or both.

because you could fill Yankee Stadium with all the damn witches.

Jennifer Rubin says that “Trump should be freaked out about now.”

Wanna bet he doesn’t come home from Argentina?


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0 Comments to “Individual 1”

  1. Hahaha! But just our luck Trump won’t stay in Agrippina. As a textbook Malignant Narcissist his propose is to inflict misery and pain to as many people as he can

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Name to remember from the Donnie-Cohen “check, cash, or” tapes … Allen Weisselberg. As entertaining as it might be to hear what the other songbirds have said, hearing from the decades of service to the Trump Organization CFO should be as entertaining as the yet to be seen tax returns.

    It’s a 10:1 circus. For every name associated with Donnie who deserves an indictment, there are 10 more waiting to be discovered. Drain the swamp? They are a Mariana Trench of criminal covfefe.

  3. Maybe Trump should hop on over to Venezuela when the G-20 is over. Venezuela is such a God-awful mess, anything he did wouldn’t screw it up any worse and maybe just maybe bumble into making it tad better and he’d be the hero he’s always wanted to be.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    With the sarcasm too subtle in his previous painting, the artist has revamped it: 5bffe1a43c00008c040ebe31[1].jpg

    Meanwhile, speaking of sarcasm too subtle for Donnie, down Argentina way Prime Minister Abe congratulated him on his midterm wins.

  5. I know the current president is in Argentina. But didn’t all the on-the-run Nazis wound up in Brazil? Since he’s close maybe he should go visit his long lost cousins. For a few years.

  6. Melania was in Africa, maybe she was also looking at real estate for all of them to escape to once the dominoes begin to crash.

  7. Let him hike the Appalachian Trail for as long as he likes. We don’t need him here.

  8. Argentina? Oh how sweet that would be. Dear Santa, I’ve changed my mind….. please.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie and Vlad can try to abscond with the money from that 50 million dollar Moscow penthouse that wasn’t built to do a tower on one of Little Rocket Man’s beaches. In terms of angry mobs in the next few months, Manhattan or Moscow might be a little too hot for either of them.

  10. Hope secret service has some protocol to follow if demented donnie directs AF1 to Moscow to try to claim political refugee status.

  11. @ K #10,

    We could hope that the pilots regard his orders as an illegal ones.

  12. @ Genevieve #8,

    I dont think the Argentinians would like Trump in their country and Melania would never become an icon as is Evita. They’d wear out their welcome soon.

    @ K #10

    Wouldn’t be nice of the SS was piloting AF1? Probably not happening…sigh

  13. If Trump stays in Argentine, all I ask is that he sings his farewell message to the world, preferably as a duet with Madonna:

    And as for fortune, and as for fame
    I never invited them in
    Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired
    They are illusions, they’re not the solutions they promised to be
    The answer was here all the time
    I love you, and hope you love me
    Don’t cry for me, Argentina

  14. @Papa
    “We could hope that the pilots regard his orders as an illegal ones.”

    fat chance our cut rate merc’s will accept any order as legal as long as they can retreat behind the Nuremberg mantra of “just obeying orders”
    look at invasion and conquest of Iraq. Torture, waterboarding, murdering family members to apply pressure, ignoring collateral damage. All illegal orders, all cheerfully obeyed by uniformed murderers who have confidence in the nuremberg defense to protect them from any responsibility.
    Even when caught all they have to do is destroy the evidence in direct violation of court order and, like our misbegotten cia chief, they know they will just get a promotion.
    Now after over 2 decades of running loose all of a sudden they are suppose to act on a matter of conscience and decency?
    You jest.

  15. Actually, he could divert to Scotland to one of his golf courses, then disappear from there by boat to wherever there isn’t an extradition treaty.

  16. @Rick: I was thinking along similar lines, but the Evita song would go more like:

    “Don’t yell at me, Argentina – it isn’t my fault Trump will not leave you…”

  17. I wonder how long he could still act as President if he refused to return to the US? After all, does he have to issue executive orders and sign bills within the country? After all the Criminal Cabinet is still in place . . .

  18. Isn’t “come home from Argentina” a euphemism for “win a Carolina Senate seat?”

  19. Well the head of that other criminal political f”family” finally releived the world of his noxious existence.
    Perjurer poppa alink in a long line of scam artists, liars and generally destructive fools.
    granddday part of the Bankers plot against FDR
    Poppa Hitlers banker during the war
    perjurer poppa left his back seat man to drown and spent 6 years committing perjury about iran/contra. Only reason that he didn’t die in a jail cell, where he belonged, was he abused his pardon power to give all of his fellow thugs a pardon on his way out the door.
    Then he begot an entire generation of foul creatures to further torment us.
    One son such a fraud in colorado that he has vanished into the murky world of scams and rip off enterprises. jrb who gor caught with his hand in the cookie jar on another bank and only escaped jail because daddy called off investigators with a bogus national security excuse of the savings and loan that jeb was illegally enriching himself from was a cia bank.
    The twit needs no explanation for his criminal and reckless behavior.
    So another candinate for disposal in a toxic waste site.
    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  20. As someone once said, I wish death on no one, but I read some obits with a great deal of pleasure. One more old republican dead is a good start,
