In Our Continuing Series of Go Ahead, Say The N Word. It Will Make You Feel Better…..

July 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am certain that all of you have a crazy uncle by marriage who emails you all this Obama is a Muslim crap forwarded a hundred times from his crazy old friends who sit around the retirement village hating that … well, you know …

I just delete them all because like Aunt Bessy’s emails that say vinegar cures cancer but the medical profession doesn’t want you to know that because then the doctors would all be out of jobs  and that car dashboards cause cancer but the car industry makes a mint off the dashboards so they won’t tell you because …. whoa, wait, maybe it’s the other way around.  Maybe vinegar causes cancer and car dashboards cure it, I can’t remember.

Well, just as crazy are these anti-Obama emails.  I’ll share today’s because it cracked me up.

Here’s a picture of the written part.  Click the little one to get the big one and then come back here.

This is followed by this picture.

And just to remind you why this email has to be absolutely dead solid perfect true, under the picture it says BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA

Yeah, like that big.

And it’s followed with pictures of both Bushes, Reagan, and even Clinton in the oval office with the flag behind them.

So, there’s photographic evidence that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has turned the oval office into a mosque.  What more do you need to know?

Well, maybe something that you might want to know is that the picture was, of course, not taken in the oval office, but in the East Room during the Gulf Oil Spill press conference.  You cannot have a press conference in the oval office because it’s little.

And the draperies?  Selected by Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan, two very well-known Muslims.

Mrs. Bush installed new curtains, following the Kennedy fabric but with deeper swagged valances than those selected by Mrs. Reagan in 1982. Hers were the second curtains to follow the Kennedy fabric for the East Room.

And they are not Arabic symbols, but of doves and olive branches.  You know, really seditious stuff.

Now, it took me all of two minutes to discover all this.

The sad part is that people believe this crap and can’t understand why we can’t see all this conspiracy stuff like they do.  They can’t be insane so they just think we’re blind.

And somewhere in a small, dark room, some Karl Rove in training is pumping out this crap every day, all day, and feeding to crazy ole Uncle Leo to forward to everybody in the whole family.

So, if you get one of these emails from Uncle Leo, tell him I said it’s time for his medication.

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0 Comments to “In Our Continuing Series of Go Ahead, Say The N Word. It Will Make You Feel Better…..”

  1. Yes, but there isn’t a single US flag there, instead of the multiple ones used by that great patriot, George – I kiss Arab princes- Bush.

  2. penelope roberts says:

    It’s Barrack Who’se Sane Obama.

  3. A regular poster of right-wing propaganda on one of our Yahoo message group predicted this morning, in all seriousness, that if the Obama administration starts to fear they won’t be reelected, they’ll cancel the election. “Hope you have your six-month to seven-years’ worth of food and water,” he concluded, assuring us all that martial law and armed insurrection will follow. This comes across our screens often, even from people who are usually just regular folks.

    Dragon (my husband) answered him that it’s a good thing we didn’t have long to wait to see if his prediction comes true.

    100 days, people. That’s how close we are to Election Day.

  4. daChipster says:

    In the Doug Adams Hitchhiker’s Guide series, there is a being whose sole purpose in life is to travel the galaxy and insult every sentient being, in alphabetical order by name.

    Similarly, at the end of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, the eponymous anti-heroes abandon their habitual slackery to travel the country and rough up every person who dissed them, their alter-egos Bluntman and Chronic, or their movie.

    The day after Publisher’s Clearinghouse knocks on my door, I’m buying a limo and hiring a driver on a quest similar to those: to personally mock every Uncle Leo in existence. I will have my limo pick them up, drive them to the nicest restaurant in town (i.e. Dennys for most of them) then personally deliver a public dressing down.

    Then I’ll stick them with the check.

  5. gabberflasted says:

    I see a great bumper sticker here.


    Watcha think?

  6. How is it that folks who can seem perfectly normal are such morons? I don’t get it. And Lord knows, don’t confuse them with the facts!

  7. I don’t delete those emails (I get them from my father-in-law). I research them and then Reply ALL with my findings. I usually get no responses because they can’t refute those facts, but ocassionally I’ll get a simple “That’s BS” response, which only confirms that they refuse to see past their racism to the facts of the matter. They are simply convinced that Obama is a Kenyan, socialist, muslim, communist, illegally occupying the WH, blah, blah, blah…

  8. This is what happens when people make up their minds about something first and then desperately filter data to find something–anything–that supports their notions. It is the opposite of thinking and there is no known cure because facts can’t get through to them.

  9. We need to ban those brain sucking vacuums I tell ya.

  10. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @JJ: I’m so glad to hear that someone else has these people in their lives. My sainted brother sends me these emails. Sometimes I email him back, in addition to the snopes or factcheck rebuttal, a comment along the lines of I refuse to believe we have the same mother and I’m going for a court order to exume dad for a dna swab. I hope your kids were all born nekkid.

  11. Do you mind if I steal that Barack Who’s SANE Obama line? It deserves broad distribution.

  12. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @NJ: I don’t hear so well, so I frequently go to the otolaryngologist to get the wax removed from my ears. Last time try as he might the old Doc just couldn’t hook the wax so he asked his assistant for the vacuum. As he’s turning it on, he leans over and smiles like a co-conspirator and says, “dont want to use too much of this, might turn you into a republican.”

  13. @LynnN: You have to give them credit for some creative thinking to come up with this garbage, although I understand that will be eliminated with the adoption of the state GOP agenda….Does that come under “shooting yourself in the foot” syndrome?

  14. Do they give out tin foil hats……. with all this rhetoric?

  15. A man who served with my Dad in the military sent me one of the most racist, lying messages I have seen lately. Purporting to be Michael Richard’s testimony,, it gets pretty raw.

    I reminded him about his relationship with my Dad, who once told me to never judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the way he works for/with you. I reminded him that my Dad requested both him and a fellow airman, who was black, to be transferred to a unit he was rebuilding. I then wrote that if he truly believed what was in that post, he could kiss my @** and lose my address. Like Sgt. Mike says if you refute their bile with truth, they rarely reply.

    Currently, my congressvarmint is desperately trying to convince his followers that the fact checking websites out there are all left leaning. I hope he is worrying about his re-election, although by the time it happens, I will no longer be in his district. Damn, I would really like to be party to voting him out. He’s almost as reactionary as Goober, eh, excuse me, Gohmert.

    I apologize for the long rant. I tend to be too damned wordy.

  16. Michele says:

    I kept getting similar emails from a church mail list for people who had been in an ACTS retreat. I couldn’t take it anymore and hit reply all….I let them know in no uncertain terms how they were missing the point of the retreat, etc. Somehow, I’m no longer a part of the email group!

  17. We’ve lost good rapport with family members out of state because of this stuff. They don’t take to FACTS kindly.
    Even when we send links…”it’s all stinking liberal lies”
    And those are the NICER responses.

    We gave up….they just think we’re snobby, hateful left wing socialists……:-(

  18. Rekster says:

    I have an uncle who forwards “hundreds” of emails a week. This is a gentleman who is a Methodist minister, and lives in Mississippi. For many years he was a sane Democrat but recently he forwarded an email that “tipped me over the edge.” I usually don’t even look at them, just delete them. For some reason I looked at this one. It was the email about the Medicare patient who had been “death paneled” when they went for their heart test.

    I had seen it before when my spousal unit was sent the email from her crazy aunt. I told her that it was bullsh@t and she should write back telling her so. She declined.

    Well, I sat down and wrote a long email to my uncle refuting the email and gave him facts. I was going to send to his entire email list but at the last minute decided just to reply to him.

    He wrote me back and thanked me but he was going to vote for “none of the above” this November. Sad to hear this. I told him if for no other reason other than the Supreme Court, BHO must be reelected.

    I am still waiting to see which of the lunatic fringe is the first one to just call him a Ni….er. I know it’s going to happen, it’s inevitable.

  19. Did ya notice these nuts don’t even trust Wikipedia, they started their righty version, you can’t make this stuff up, oh wait.

  20. Ellen Childress says:

    I used to delete these things and move on. But I finally got tired of it all and started replying to every one of them with the facts from Snopes, et al. Sometimes, I return the email with the notation, “Return to Sender”.
    Lies , told often enough, take on the appearance of truth and people believe them. This is one of the dark sides of our internet and email, and I just hate it !

  21. Robert Leduc says:

    The real point of the crazy stories is to get the base out. But there are just as pernicious borderline stories that are simply meant to discourage people from voting. I’m thinking of the solyndra bit and stories like “Obama is politicizing tge war by visiting wounded soldiers” (or was it “Obama doesn’t care about the military because he doesn’t visit wounded soldiers”? – I think they were prepared to go either way on that one.

    The point of these other stories is simply to depress turnout. You may not be able to help the crazies, but do strongly resist any assertion that “they’re all tge same.”. They are not, and the future of our Republuc depends on voters seeing the distinction.

  22. Jo, Conservapedia was founded by Phyllis Schlafly’s son Andrew, who got a hair up his rear about the use of Common Era instead of Anno Domini in a history text. He’s certifiable; even claims that the Theory of Relativity is a liberal fiction.
