In Case You Were Wondering —

April 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Does anybody know if the Dollar Tree reports their sells to the New York Times bestseller list?


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0 Comments to “In Case You Were Wondering —”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Schadenfreude that his deceased muse Ayn Rand’s outdated reprints are selling better than Lyin’ Ryan’s lukewarm rehash.

  2. I was going to leave a comment – but cannot do better than #1

  3. Lunargent says:

    Hey, that’s a great price!

    Lots cheaper than those little fire starter kindling bricks.

    Maybe spend another buck on a votive candle, drip a little wax on there to enhance flammability, and you’re good to go.

    Though it’s possible that once it’s alight, your home or campsite will be suffused with the aroma of burning Caca del Toro.

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Save your money — I hear Chik-fil-a is giving them away with a double order.

  5. Weren’t his legislative beneficiaries supposed to buy these things by the pallet load? He shoulda negotiated a book advance instead, like Newt did.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Remember when Jim Wright was hounded from being Speaker and then from Congress because (horror!) he had a stack of books with his autobiography in his receptionist’s office, and visitors could buy a copy?

    God, take us back to the days when that was the height of corruption.

    I agree with Lunargent: burning them will release toxic fumes bad enough that even Trump’s EPA might look askance at it.

    [But I have to admit: I found a $120 book on Stellar Nucleosynthesis at the local Dollar Tree, and grabbed it faster than Gollum snatched the Ring].

  7. I heard that Ryan was working the register at Dollar Tree, too. Maybe he’s found his niche after a lifetime of failure as a politician.

  8. The Way Forward

    for a dollar? It’s funny how Republicans get all fiscal conservative once they’re OUT of office.
