In Case You Just Happen to Survive Jade Helm, There’s Another One Coming
Okay, so here’s the deal. A big ole giant asteroid is coming on September 24th, 2015.
The government knows about it but is keeping it a secret (apparently not very well) to keep everybody from panicking.
Following a series of warnings from doomsday prophets, there is increasing convergence of opinion among believers that an asteroid apocalypse will occur in September, 2015.
But while governments with privileged information are allegedly keeping the information secret, the “elite” are preparing secretly to survive the catastrophe, according to conspiracy theorists.
Yep, those damn “elites” are at it again.
It’s going to hit Puerto Rico. More details are here.
I do not know if President Obama caused this astroid but I pretty much figure he did because he needs to hide his real birth certificate and a jumbo raging fiery inferno would do the trick.
So, even if you do make it through Jade Helm, there’s this sucker. And you will need more and bigger guns to fight this thing. Maybe even your own nuke.
There ain’t enough tin foil in the world, Honey.