Important or Shiny Object?

February 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republicans have a brilliant plan.  They do something dirty nasty horrible to try to kill democracy and then they wave bright shiny things in my face to keep me from remembering the dirty nasty horrible thing to destroy democracy that they did in the first place.

I am easily distracted by shiny crap. I know that because I can go driving around looking at Christmas lights and never really remember any of them individually because I’m distracted by the house across the street before I commit any of them to memory.

So ….

I am wondering, is this Important or is it Shiny Crap? Michael Flynn palling-around with the Russians.

Reuters reported last month, citing three sources familiar with the matter, that Flynn had held five phone calls with Kislyak on Dec. 29, the day then-President Barack Obama retaliated for Moscow’s alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The Post said Flynn on Wednesday denied that he had discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador, but on Thursday backed away from the denial through a spokesman.

You know, that would be kinda bad, especially since President Obama fired Flynn for being a hysterical, Chicken Little whiny butt jackass.  Did Flynn call Russia and say, “Don’t worry about the black guy because we can fix this?”

It sounds like a really big deal but only because I think it may be a trinket on the Christmas tree of Russian interference in our election.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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