I’m Working On It

August 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, our final numbers for the ballot by mail program you so generously supported is just a little under $8,000.  Glen sent me your names and addresses, and I promise to send you a thank you note.  My momma raised me right and that’s what ladies do.

However, you’ll have a wait a week or two because there’s many, many of you and I’m busier than Grandma with ten snakes and one hoe.

I have not forgotten you or my manners, but the manners part will be a little late.

Again, thank you all so much for your help.  Texas is so big and I am so small.




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0 Comments to “I’m Working On It”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Yeah, but all us small women have big hair to make up for it… That’s why you find so many of us at the WMDBS…. We love you!

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    I am just glad I was able to help out a little bit and a thank you in here is more then enough for me!! 🙂 So … thank you, too!!

  3. J.J. That online thank you is good enough for me. Please don’t spend all your time writing individual ones. You might get writer’s cramp or worse.

  4. Glad the work is going forward. But please don’t kill even part of a tree for me– if you want to send a thank-you, do it by email, or just assume that I’ve got it and I say that you’re more than welcome.

    And please don’t hoe the snakes. Most of them are probably harmless and just want to get away from you without being et. If you don’t like rats, black rat snakes are the good guys.

  5. Just hoping to see some nice increases in turnout, followed by some turnaround in some of our favorite counties!
    Thanks to you for bringing this to our attention – a chance to help out from beautiful blue CA…

  6. That Other Jean says:

    If you’re determined to thank me, just send me an e-mail. I’m happy to help, even a little bit, to turn Texas blue.

  7. SC_Gnomie says:

    Please forgo the thank u note to me and save your time and money for other GOTV activities. I really appreciate all that u do.

  8. Ditto here re: Thank you note. Save the stamp and time.

    Barbara (Los Angeles)

  9. Part of my gift to anyone is no thank you note required, especially for you guys. I should be thanking you!

  10. Donna Anglin says:

    I am due no thank you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do this.

  11. WA Skeptic says:

    So glad to hear that the campaign has been so successful thus far.

    Next: Go Texas Blue!!!

  12. two crows says:

    Thanks for the ‘thanks’ here online. Appreciate it.

    But here’s the thanks that matters to me: knowing that some old folks in TX will be able to vote without having to risk broken hips to do it. And that I helped make that happen. That’s thanks aplenty.

    Meanwhile, thanks again, JJ and gang. Where do WE send the thank you notes?

  13. Annabelle Lee says:

    Repeating what others have said, no thanks needed. I did it for myself, ultimately.

    Appreciate your hard work.
