I’m Watching

February 09, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

An hour in and I’m proud of our side.  Joe Neguse from Colorado did a masterful job of explaining the constitutionality of impeachment post defeat.  An eighth grader could have understood it but never once was it patronizing.  It was brilliant.

Rep. Ruskin made me cry.  And you did, too.

Okay, I got distracted.  My grandson got hurt at school but he’s fine now.  So, back to the teevee.

The ex-president seems to have chosen his counsel from Barkin’ Bob’s Bargain Basement Barrister Barn!

Why are Republicans so damn patronizing?

Plus, this guy is admitting that Trump got beat and the people kicked him out?


Oh Lord, this is Epstein’s lawyer?  Now I believe the guy committed suicide. This guy looks unstable.  I know he’s talking to Trump and the base, but holy cow, screaming random words?  He’s worried about foreign enemies seeing us at our worse – divided.  What the hell does he think January 6th was?


more to come


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0 Comments to “I’m Watching”

  1. a note: local Fox station is not covering the trial at this time

  2. listening to much of what Castor is saying you might think he was speaking in FAVOR of the trial

  3. Listening to Castor yammer on and on saying NOTHING. He obviously has nothing to say except how important senators are. Probably the only ones loving that are Gaetz and Gymnasium. Please, God, make him clear his throat!

  4. SteveTheReturned says:

    Young Mr. Neguse is going places. Looking forward to following his career as a lawmaker.

  5. If this is best the Orange Moron can get for a defense, he’s in big trouble. What a second-rater.

  6. At the break, it was revealed that GOP members listening turned their backs to the riot collage, proud of their antipathy towards the evidence. Wait till the midterms weasels.
    Neguse was brilliant though. Raskin was wrenching.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Lawyers are like plumbers. It’s hard to get one on a weekend.

    Even harder if you don’t pay them.

  8. #4 I was thinking the same thing.

  9. now he sounds as if he’s cheering on Biden’s election – he’s not very good at keeping on point or staying on his client’s side

  10. wait?!? now he’s advocating arresting dj?

    I swear, if I pick up a transcript later I’d be hard pressed to figure out that he’s on defense team

  11. now schoen ‘the democrats have been mean to dj’
    ‘the democrats have been mean to the maga’s’

  12. and now, the repub. past-time of Projecting

  13. aaannnnnddd

  14. I am getting a kick of the 2nd guy for the defense touching his head when he takes a drink. What is that about?

  15. schoen might drive me to the mute button soon

  16. and he descends in to lying about how Congress handled the process and ignores mitch m’s part in the delay

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Thanks to all of you for watching (and commenting) so I don’t need to, and can still get the best and the worst moments. It certainly sounds like the defense attorneys are right in line with the best legal minds Trumpf used in courts to overturn the election. Still, it won’t get him convicted. As senator mike lee told faux news, Trumpf deserves a mulligan for his “mistake.” Again.

  18. Jo @ 14
    am thinking that he must have a hole in his head and has to cover it so that water he drinks doesn’t spew out (much like the nonsense that spews out of his mouth)

  19. coheon – ‘because dj lost and is no longer president then he cannot be impeached’

    so I guess he’d be fine with it if dj had won?

    and there is no recourse for inciting insurrection? is he advocating for federal charges against dj instead such that dj would wind up in jail?

    methinks he didn’t really thing through the implications of his argument

  20. Chloe Bear says:

    Just love the selective reading of the federalist papers.

    And, that video, people of color, women, and Jews. Sheeesh!

  21. did this guy work as a trial lawyer??? did he ever win a case?

    his speaking style is abominable – so hard to follow

  22. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sounds like this Schoen shister, and roger stone attorney, is sending dog whistles to the cult mobsters for more violence and they can blame it on democrats. Can’t believe he didn’t set a date, like March 4. That’s a defense? Tell me this is really just an episode of the twilight zone, again.

  23. Literally the only job of Schoen, et al, is to provide that one fig leaf, however bare, to trumpist senators to vote for exoneration. The rest is just show. It’s clear they’re not talking to us, or even to those senators already convinced of guilt.

  24. Harry Eagar says:

    jo, Schoen is orthodox and has to cover his head whenever he drinks. He is also saying a prayer of thanks. I don’t know why he didn’t wear a kippah.

    Much more interesting to me, although no one seems to be noticing, is that the first paragraph of today’s defense reply refers to trump as ‘former president.’ Apparently the new lawyers did not read the memo to the former lawyers that trump’s lawyers are not to refer to him that way.

    I expect trump noticed and is blowing his stack. I wnoder if he will fire this crew and pick up — well,at this point, I don’t know where he would find a lawyer to take his case.

  25. the twitter explains re water

    Daniel Goldman
    ·Mr. Schoen is an observant Jew who must cover his head when he takes a sip of water and quietly says a blessing. Since he is not wearing a kippah, he therefore covers his head with his hand.

  26. Harry Eagar @ #24 said:
    … well,at this point, I don’t know where he would find a lawyer to take his case.

    One can only dream, but I’d love to see Trump present his own case since in his opinion nobody can do anything right. And then he’d probably be impeached, with enough Republican Senators pushed right over the edge.

  27. Thank you s and Harry for the info on the head covering while drinking. I had no idea.

  28. thatotherjean says:

    @Steve from Beaverton #17: If Trump had a trophy for every mulligan he ever got, Mar-a-Lago would be full to the brim with them. It astounds me that he has managed so often to fall up–until lately. Let’s hope that trend has take a permanent downturn.

  29. The Surly Professor says:

    I hereby nominate s for running commentary for all future Republican wankfests like this. I spent yesterday digging neighbors out of snow, but thanks to those comments feel like I’ve missed nothing!

    Maybe s worked on Mystery Science Theatre 3000 back in the day?

  30. Buttermilk Sky says:

    s = (Tom) Servo?

    Alan Dershowitz says he has “no idea” what trump’s lawyers are doing, but he’s impressed with his former student Jamie Raskin.

  31. All those chants??? Just a lot of noise coming form the sty.
