I’m Vicious, Mean, and Nasty. But, I’m Still Too Nice To Be a Republican.

June 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, listen up.

David Dewhurst and Ted Cruz, the two Republican candidates in a run-off for the GOP nomination for the United States Senate from Texas, are doing the Pecos Promenade with a damn buzz saw.

An odd thing happened this last weekend.  Rick Perry managed to get booed at both the Democratic and Republican state conventions.  He took the stage at the GOP convention and said he supported David Dewhurst, his Lt. Governor.  Dewhurst is one of those Greed Republicans and Cruz is one of the Flat Earth Republicans.

“We need more strong conservatives in Texas, and we need more conservative Texans in Washington, D.C., including my friend David Dewhurst,” Mr. Perry said, ignoring the boos that erupted when he uttered Mr. Dewhurst’s name.

Dewhurst and Cruz have lied so much about each other that both of them have to walk around with an ice pack on their hineys just to keep their pants from flaming-out.

We have another six weeks to go before the primary – there’s hope that it’ll take them until November to wipe all the mud off.

Thanks to Irene for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “I’m Vicious, Mean, and Nasty. But, I’m Still Too Nice To Be a Republican.”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    Who’s the Dem candidate going to be?

  2. TexasEllen says:

    We’ve got a primary, too. Sadler is the best choice for the Democrats.

  3. Juanita Jean says:

    I stand with my friend TexasEllen: Sadler is the best choice. By the way, Texas Ellen voted for me this past weekend for a seat on the Texas Democratic Executive Committee and I want to publicly thank her. Thank you, Ellen!

  4. MCPO RET says:

    I voted for Sadler before I learned anything about Sean Hubbard.
    We need to find a place him in our party leadership.
    Could turn some heads and bring us back on track.

  5. Jose Orta says:

    Paul Sadler is the ONLY choice on July 31st. Stay away from Shady Grady!

  6. Marge Wood says:

    I keep forgetting about the primary runoffs. Yes, vote for PAUL SADLER. Send him $10 a month and he will be fine. Seriously. And since it’s nearly Father’s Day or any day you want it to be, try this recipe from Susan Wittig Albert’s recipe collection. (You know, she’s the one who writes those great mysteries. My favorites are the China Bayles ones.) Now. You can serve these at your Paul Sadler fund raiser.

    Ruby’s Hot Lips Cookie Crisps

    1 c soft shortening
    2 c brown sugar
    2 eggs
    1 tsp vanilla
    1½ c finely chopped cashews
    1½ c whole wheat flour
    1½ c unbleached flour
    ½ tsp soda
    1 tsp baking powder
    ½ tsp habanero powder♥
    Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Cream shortening and sugar. Add the vanilla and eggs and mix well. Mix the dry ingredients together with the nuts, and stir into the creamed mixture. Form into a log about 2″ in diameter and chill. Slice and bake until golden, 12-14 minutes. (Watch carefully-these cookies burn easily!)

    ♥The habanero pepper is an incendiary chile with a fruity flavor. Look for the powder in a specialty shop that sells spicy foods.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Definitely need Sean Hubbard around while he grows up. Great speaker. Great presence. What shall we get him to do while we wait?

  8. Marge Wood– “these cookies burn easily”? Sounds to me like they’d burn going in and burn coming out.

  9. I don’t think that’s mud. Same color, same general texture–but it doesn’t smell like mud.
