I’m Telling You, They Just Can’t Help Themselves

August 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not saying that all Republican elected officials are perverts, but … oh hell, the odds are in that favor.

zWfnZNcMeet the Mayor of Stockton, California, Republican Anthony Silva.  Silva is a Super DeLux Brand New and Improved Christian.  In fact, he gave the key to the city to God.

Look, I’m not trying to be disrespectful here, but it seems to me that God doesn’t need a key.  I think God has a holy spirit that can just walk right through doors.  I also have heard, but can’t prove, that God is omnipresent so giving him a key is a nice but totally unnecessary gesture.

Personally, I think the mayor made that gesture to make people think he’s something he ain’t.

The mayor of Stockton, California, was arrested on Thursday on a felony eavesdropping charge stemming from a strip poker game he is accused of surreptitiously recording at a summer camp he hosts for disadvantaged inner-city children, prosecutors said.

Mayor Anthony Ray Silva, 41, was also charged with three misdemeanor counts – contributing to the delinquency of a minor, child endangerment and furnishing alcoholic beverages to individuals under the legal drinking age of 21, according to a criminal complaint filed in court.

I don’t suppose he gave God a key to summer camp.

In all fairness, Silva’s lawyer says he’s not guilty and that this is a political set-up.

Asked whether Silva was playing strip poker with youths from his camp, Reichel replied, “I highly doubt it.” Reichel added, “I can’t wait to fight them in court, so we can expose the epidemic of kids at summer camp playing strip poker.”

Yeah, I had to read that twice, too.

The mayor was trying to “expose the epidemic of kids at summer camp playing strip poker.”  Yep, their defense is that the mayor is the Dudley DoRight of strip poker right there in his own cabin.  Praise Jesus for Republican men and their investigations.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I’m Telling You, They Just Can’t Help Themselves”

  1. It’s really hard to tell with these people, but my first assumption is that the crack about “exposing the epidemic of kids at camp playing strip poker” was sarcastic.

    Gave God a key to the city…. How does that work? Did he throw it real high and hope it didn’t come down, or what?

  2. Rastybob says:

    it just go’s on and on. Is there no shame with these people? Not even a little. This is not news any more.

  3. Gads! The gross stupidity! He couldn’t find an adult to play strip poker with?

  4. Those of you with Republican representatives.

    Send then an email and ask (politely)
    1. If they are supporting Trump
    2. Why
    3 ask them not to as your rep.
    4 request an answer from them.

    I am on day 3 and my rep has not answered me.

    Vote like your life depends on it, because this election it does!

  5. Was he “merely” being a voyeur or was he planning blackmail? What kind of toxic waste does this to children instead of trying to help and guide them?

  6. SallyinMI says:

    So the lawyer isn’t sure his client is innocent? “I highly doubt it” doesn’t sound very sincere. I highly doubt there would be felony charges if the cops didn’t have a case. Just another RW “Christian” abusing children. while an elected official. Is the guy an ordained minister as well?

  7. I think the key to his defense should be, “the devil made me do it.”

  8. Sandridge says:

    Zooming into the (saved) gift key pic (didn’t even appear gold-plated either…), the inscription reads:
    We dedicate the
    City of Stockton
    to you!
    Mayor Silva
    (He should have capitalized “You!” in this instance, no? The key is hanging from a cheesy kitchen cup hook too…;) )
    I’ve heard Stockton is the asscrack of California, so we know God’s got one now, eh? Trumpville is clearly the asscrack of NY.
    Is there some kind of (huuuge) online list of Republic preverts available?
    Kind of like the famous list of R Chickenhawks of the recent (and ongoing) past.
    The R’s do seem to have more preverted predilections than the Democrats (Weiner, et al.). And usually more harmful.

  9. maryelle says:

    The way to prevent strip poker at camp is to have highly trained counselors in every cabin, not allowing it to take place and videotaping it. What a perv!

  10. UmptyDump says:

    Okay, let’s get real here. All you have to do is ask yourselves these questions. Don’t share the answers – it’s nobody else’s business. Did you ever play strip poker with other kids when you were a kid? Did you ever play strip poker with other kids and an adult when you were a kid? Enough said.

  11. Ring ring, God’s calling mayor. He said to keep the key ( in case you haven’t noticed that he hasn’t taken it yet ), but he wants his judgemental righteousness back.

  12. AliceBeth says:

    I always thought that when you give a key to a city there was a ceremony in public and the recipient was there. Is there video?

  13. Are these the people who say that atheists have no morals?

  14. “He couldn’t find an adult to play strip poker with?”

    something tells me that most of the adults in town, who might be interested in playing strip poker (and there are probably quite a few), don’t have any interest in doing so with him.

    boy, summer camp sure has changed since I was a kid. I feel like I lost out there.

  15. O Lord, have mercy on me! I will see your Silva and raise you the mayor of Fairfax, VA – one Richard Scott Silverhorn (spelling?) who was doing a Breaking Bad gig with meth and sex. He is also a substitute teacher in the Fairfax County Public School System. My daughter and her family used to live in his little town. They now live in Aladamnbama and would give anything to get transferred back here, meth Mayor be damned!

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    (I just can’t take any more of this crap. Time to clean House. And Senate.)

  17. Tilphousia says:

    Just can’t say anything else.

  18. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Never played strip poker. Thought it was stupid. Played poker only with my mother, who was a good card player, for beans (literal beans–uncooked pinto beans.) It was moderately interesting playing with her, but cards just aren’t my thing, except Solitaire. And now I knit, so…it’s more fun than Solitaire which is more fun than any other kind of cards. (I have friends who play bridge. I would rather lick a camel, an image stolen from the Yarn Harlot. They tried to teach me one evening. In less than an hour we mutually agreed that I was not a candidate for Bridge Kindergarten.)

    I can’t think of any good reason for a grown man to play strip poker with minors of any gender. I can’t think of any reason for a grown man to remove his clothes in the presence of minors of any gender.
