I’m Sorry, Grace, But We Couldn’t Keep Him at Home. Dallas Was Over the Legal Limit on Crazy, So He Had to Leave.

August 15, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita’s friend Grace isn’t from around here.  But, she’s beginning to develop a little tiny tee-ninecy honkin’ grudge against Texas.  She emailed Juanita a little newspaper story with a sweet note of complaint.  Grace wonders if we can close the borders of Texas to keep the nuts inside.

It seems that one of Texas’ finest left the state to spread the crazy around.

About a dozen right-wing Christians, carrying placards and yelling “Islam is a lie,” angrily confronted worshippers outside a Fairfield Avenue mosque Friday.

“Jesus hates Muslims,” they screamed at worshippers arriving at the Masjid An-Noor mosque to prepare for the holy month of Ramadan. One protester shoved a placard at a group of young children leaving the mosque. “Murderers,” he shouted.

Police arrived on the scene to separate the groups, but said no arrests were made.

Flip Benham, of Dallas, Texas, organizer of the protest, was yelling at the worshipers with a bullhorn.

“This is a war in America and we are taking it to the mosques around the country,” he said.

Flip, of course, took his comb-over and crazy butt tee-shirt with him when he left.

“He’s in Connecticut now,” Juanita observes, “but I’ll bet you he can’t spell it.  Hell, I betcha he’s lost and thinks he’s in Ohio.”

“In all seriousness, Dallas went Democratic in the last election, which is akin to it becoming Sodom and Gomorrah in Flip’s mind.”

“You know, when I meet Sweet Jesus, I’m gonna bet you a bowl of no-calorie Blue Bell ice cream that Sweet Jesus ain’t proud of that tee-shirt or that attitude,” Juanita suspects. “Jesus loves the little children and runs empty on hate.”

“And, Grace, I’m powerful sorry about Flip.  I think all of his nuts, bolts, AND screws are loose.  We’ll try to get him back here.  We’ll leave a message on his phone from his good buddy Rick Perry saying that there’s some homosexual Muslim Mexicans at the border, trying to get in to have babies and vote Democratic.”

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