I’m Rubber and You’re Glue

November 11, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

As an interesting historical note, the Democratic Presidential candidates have won the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 Presidential elections, yet only won 4 of them.  In 2012, in addition to winning the Presidential election, Democrats outpolled Republican Congressional candidates by 1.4 million votes nationwide, and yet Republicans won 49 more seats.

Rigged?  Hell yeah.

Always remember: whenever that guy accuses someone of something, look for that skeleton in his closet.

Every. Damn. Time.


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0 Comments to “I’m Rubber and You’re Glue”

  1. I’m already really sick of reading “The American people elected Trump,” because we sodding didn’t. The Electoral College did… again.

    And I feel sure that those figures on Dem votes vs GOP House advantage apply to more years than just 2012.

    It’s rigged as ****. Unfortunately for the planet, I don’t see any road to unrigging it with the GOP having taken over the federal government and most of the state governments thanks to their prior rigging.

    McConnell wanted to “let the voters decide” who picked the next Supreme Court justice. The voters chose Clinton, but that doesn’t matter now.

  2. Larry from Colorado says:

    Every thing Hair Drumpf accused Hillary of is what he is guilty of.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    True dat, Primo. Rigged by any other name is called gerrymandering or an assault on democracy. As the premier dispensers of democracy to the free world, it sure is odd that everyone else has the “vote” while we stumble along with the “popular vote” and what happens no thanks to the Electoral College complicated by state legislatures drawing Congressional districts from hell.

    In 2012 Donnie tweeted that the EC was rigged. Yet that hypocrite is ready to accept the results of that rigging.

    NV did good this year. Difficult to rely on gerrymandering when there are only 4 districts and even the dumbest can see the obvious. We filled retiring Harry Reid’s seat with Catherine Cortes Masto, while Dina Titus will be joined by two more Democrats in the House. Not bad for a state assaulted by Koch and Adelson money. Not to mention our abject embarrassment with pols like Sharron Angle, Sue Lowden and Michelle Fiore. Three women dumber and crazier than $carah Palin.

    As for the snacilbupeR at the national level, they’re ready to turn over the nuclear codes to Donnie. And, while they were so intent upon Hilz’ e-mails because of national security ‘concerns’, they don’t give pause to the fact that Donnie wants 29 others plus Rudy Ghoul given access to our most sensitive data. Be ready for Donnie’s zombie administration with the likes of Newt and John Bolton rising from the should be dead.

    Will the men and women of the EC bear those little $1000 fines in the interest of democracy. Doubtful.

    My money is on Senators Warren and Sanders joined by the quality in their Democratic Caucus to hold the line until 2018.

    I say help Texas oust Loathsome Cruz. Your draft picks to restore the Senate in 2018?

  4. There was another group and guy that were good at rigging things too, about eighty years ago in one of those Euro countries…

    Are y’all ready for the coming “Nationalsozialistische USA Reichsplukotratpartei™” government that we’re getting Real Soon Now (RSN)?
    They now have almost absolute control of all the levers of the State, and they are damned good at using them (unlike that other partei).

    How about some “Death Vouchers” for your healthcare, and your rebranded, more meager, monthly “Special Stipend” (minus the new auto-tithes, and only upon rendering alloted work assignments), “Catfood Rations” (minimum survival allowance), special “Losers Lodges” (euphemistically named), etc., etc.

    MFG, they’re even recycling Ed Meese, can Bill Benedict be far behind? How about James Watt, is he available? Bernie Kerik is a cinch at HS.

  5. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    The reason that Democrats tend to dominate in the popular vote is the very reason why the Electoral College exists. Getting a big margin in California produces the same number of Electoral votes as winning it by a small margin. Allowing the larger states to dominate effectively disenfranchises those in smaller states. The same logic applies to the Senate — where the smaller states have as much as their larger brothers — while the House provides more votes to the larger states than the smaller ones. When it works in your favor, it’s great but when it works against you it sucks. Kinda like the filibuster — it’s still there because each party fears what would happen were it to lose its majority and each one wants to preserve the ability to block the other. Right now I would say that is in jeopardy because the Delay/Rove “permanent Republican Majority” is within reach in 2018.

  6. So, if things weren’t rigged, why the hell were all the polls telling us we were going to win? Trump may have had a valid point, oh, and BTW, if Trump gets impeached we get Pence, then Ryan, not the best of alternatives.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Until 2018, our only hope is the Senate. However, to make that slim hope even plausible, Democrats need to show Chuck Schumer the same door we showed Debbie WTF Schultz. Or, we are no better than the snacilbuper with their Donnie and Putin shadow government, if we allow Chuck and his Netanyahu shadow govt to control what little vestige of self respect we have remaining. Elizabeth Warren for Senate Minority Leader! If she declines, then who?

    Howard Dean or Keith Ellison to lead the DNC. Howard’s 50 state strategy was good, but quite frankly his time is past. Keith is a good man, but is he the right man going forward? I won’t have an answer to that, until he speaks to the subject.

  8. PKM, I heard the talking heads on WAMU/NPR’s Diane Rehm Show this morning say the Dems need to go back to the DLC / centrist positions to win! WTF?!?!?!?!?! That’s what got us into trouble in the first place! We abandoned FDR and full-on Liberal-and-not-ashamed-about-it policies in favor of “free trade” that was expensive for us and free for everyone else.

    I say we need to get back to our roots!

  9. The Constitution does not require the Electoral College to operate in it’s present form. States may if they choose, pick electors based on the national vote total, rather than their state’s tally.

    Ten states (CA, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, VT, WA), plus DC, with 165 electoral votes have signed onto the National Popular Vote.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Malarkey, agreed. FDR Democrats or bust!

  11. Schumer and Ellison are the wrong people to lead the resistance to Donnei Trumpov and the Nationalsozialistische Amerikkka Reichsplukotratpartei™ (formerly, and AKA, the GOP).

    Especially Schumer, he’s dated meat now, did you see the shit-eatin’ grin on Netanyahu’s face when he was publicly congratulating Chaver Trumpov and his gang?
    (yeah, I Wiki’ed the Hebrew equiv to’comrade’)

    Just imagine how much gloating the Rev. John (CUFI) Hagee and F. Graham types are doing now.

  12. One hope is that the morons who believed the R’s about helping the middle class are going to see them dismantling health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and maybe wake up. What does it take? President Obama is going to look very good in comparison. We underestimated the power of hate in this country. It may take another Recession to wake up these nutjobs.

  13. The founding compromise favoring rural interests of the 18th Century is badly worn. But current advantage of Republicans makes a Constitutional Amendment impossible. On balance I would prefer to play by the existing rules than to suffer the economic catastrophe it would take to change them. The next Great Depression might not be resolvable by Keynesian stimulus in global markets.

    With all due respect to the National Popular Vote folks, there is no way that arrangement survives a Bush v Gore injunction. Originalism is out the window, it’s the composition of the Supreme Court and party predicts.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Martin O’Malley has expressed interest in the DNC job. Maybe co-chair with Howard to learn the ropes?

    As for Senate Minority Leader, there are a number of Senators with seniority over Chuck Schemer. Patty Murray of WA for one. Someone please remind me of why it seems Schemer is the heir apparent to Harry Reid. It’s not seniority so wtf gives?

  15. I’m concerned that good Dems in politics are going to burn out from always having to fight their way uphill through hedges of thorns and trenches of BS and will start dropping out or not running for office. Our Steny Hoyer is 77 and I don’t know how long he’ll want to keep it up. Barbara Mikulski already quit the Senate; though Chris Van Hollen looks like a good replacement, he’s now near the bottom of the seniority ladder.

    All those blue-voting Millennials need to be encouraged to keep up the good fight.

  16. Rigged, yes. So many could not possibly be so wrong. I would call it Dieboldical.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    I just watched a replay of Omorosa’s off the chart remarks about bowing down to Trump for disagreeing with him, and that will scribble around in my head for a long time. I am surprised she said it in English, it could have been the incarnation of Ilsa Koch.

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    It’s hard to make fun anymore, at least for a while. A lot of us have a dead place inside for now, including my beautiful, intelligent American Citizen, Mexican born daughter in law, who cant stop crying for both countries.

  19. Trump made some reference to voting machines which switched your vote from Republican to Democrat. I’m thinking it was the opposite.

  20. @Sandridge

    Shouldn’t that be Республиканская партия?

    In the original Russian.

  21. Keith Ellison is an excellent representative from here in Minnesota. He represents the most diverse part of Minneapolis. A 34 year old Somali Muslim woman named Ilhan Omar now represents those folks in the legislature. Anyway, while I have a great deal of respect for Representative Ellison, I think he may be better suited to continue his rabble rousing ways than in leadership.

  22. Old Quaker says:

    It’s called “projection” a defense response. Psyc 101.
    Trump is the king of projectiles.

  23. Micr,
    Republikanische Partei works too, in the original German.
    Herr Drumpf returns to sein vater’s roots, or goes with his comrade Vlad? Either way we’re all screwed bigly.

  24. I haven’t cared a whit previously for Soviet/Russian politics, but I understood that incoming rifle rounds or artillery explosions typically heralded a Soviet/Russian change in dictator. So when Putin is deposed/killed shouldn’t Drumpf worry? Like the off-spring of the old alpha gorilla or wolf when the new alpha comes on scene. Putin’s replacement might want his own United States president.

  25. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr and Sandridge, you speak of wolves and gorillas. That would be in the alpha world of those inner voices that speak to Vladimir Vladimirovich. While apparently just as crazy, those mysterious voices in Russia are more alpha than those that speak to the short fingered vulgarian.

    In the US we are about to be treated to the equivalent of jello wrestling. Worse yet instead of lovely women this version will feature two men who both have boobs and are boobs. In one corner we have low energy *itch McConnell. His opponent weighing in at 300 pounds and 30 tweets per minute is a feces flinging orangutan with diminutive paws.

    If you paid 50 cents for this event, be happy if you can scalp your tickets for a penny. No, the turtle won’t snap off the orangutan’s head. And no, the orangutan won’t flip the turtle on its back. Nothing to see here folks.
