I’m Rubber and You’re Glu … Rubber, Too
And speaking of Donald Trump ….
Y’all, I just love intellectual, well-reasoned disagreements between two grown men.
ABC News’s George Will and Donald Trump traded insults on Sunday, after the commentator said he didn’t understand why Mitt Romney would hold campaign with Trump. Will called Trump a “bloviating ignoramus” and said that Trump is “redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low and you can intrude on American politics.” Trump jumped to Twitter to defend himself, saying “George Will may be the dumbest (and most overrated) political commentator of all time. If the Republican listen to him, they will lose.”
George, Honey, Mitt is going to lose no matter who he campaigns with. Don’t get carried away here.
And face it, if Trump gets to be the keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention, it will be the most watched speech of all time. Not in a good way, of course, but people will watch it.
Thanks to David for the heads-up.