I’m Not Saying That Yesterday Was Crazy, But … Oh Hell Yes, That’s Exactly What I’m Saying
Here ya go.
- The Washington Post claims President Trump asked advisers about how to pardon himself, his family and his businesses on Thursday
- Separately, he has asked his lawyers to dig up dirt on former FBI Director Robert Mueller in an effort to discredit his Russia investigation, it was claimed
- At the same time, Mark Corallo, the spokesman from his legal team resigned
- Corallo did not want to publicly criticize Mueller as instructed, sources said
- Trump ordered a reshuffle of the team late on Thursday night as a result
- His long-serving personal lawyer Marc Kasowitz will see his responsibilities reduced as a result, it was claimed
Here’s where we are. Republican Senator Bob Corker said, “Things are starting to feel incoherent.”
Starting? Starting? Hell, Senator, we passed incoherent three months ago. We’re at fully discombobulated with some damn whipped cream on top.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.