I’m Not Saying That All Trump Supporters Are Pervs, But …
… they are certainly in the majority.
Oklahoma state Sen. Ralph Shortey is facing numerous charges from Moore police after he was caught in a Super 8 Motel room with a minor boy.
And here Ralph is with Donald Junior.
Shortey was the state chair of President Donald Trump’s campaign during the primary elections.
“I am proud and honored to have been tapped as Chairman of the campaign for Oklahoma,” Shortey wrote on his Facebook Sept. 2015, according to The Lost Ogle. “We are very excited for the opportunity to have Mr. Trump here,” he said announcing a rally for Trump at the Oklahoma State Fair.
Y’all, it’s Oklahoma.
Well, you know, birds of a feather…. Guess trump’s lackeys figure that if cockwomble like them young then it’s ok. Morality never enters their empty heads. And they all think they’ll never ever get caught. May he spend lots of years in jail. And not Club Fed.
1Miss JJ, if you’re judging by moral development, it’s easy to make that mistake. But Donnie Jr.is definitely not a minor boy. So whatever he was doing with that repugnantcan in the motel room was between consenting adults. Ole Ralph probably told him it was a lesson in collusion. All Jr. knew was that collusion made sitting down uncomfortable for a couple of days.
2Sadly, Trump supporters will consider Edie Windsor a perv – and not this guy.
3Here is what would have been the real pay-off for my friends and family — when Donnie-wonnie sees that photo, tears it up, and snatches any negatives for burning in the patio fire pit while making S’mores. None of us will ever live long enough to experience that. Instead, being a Trump, all of this will be filed under Fake News.
4He took his boy conquest to a Super 8???
He’s a cheap a$$ pedophile as well.
5This country has gone zero days without an Rthug revelation of perversion
7Thank you for noting the picture posted was of Shortey with junior.
Otherwise, I would have thought it was Shortey with a minor.
Shortey by name, shorteyes by nature.
8Oklahoma, you said?
9Judas, there’s a guy on Game of Thrones called The Mountain, and Shortey looks like his brother. As if he needed another reason not to be poking children.
Few if any good things follow the words “Oklahoma Republican.” Inhofe should burn in Hell, if one exists, for blocking action on climate change.
10Who will the next GOP perv….hmmmm.
11GOP. Does that stand for Grand Old Perverts?
12“lost Ogle” ??!!
13Burn in hell Shortey, burn in hell.
14Thank you, Micr! And you, Debbo!
I got nuthin’ to add except “Siiiggghhh…”. I’ve been doing that alot lately.
15ALL rePUKEians are perverted! maybe sexually, but most definitely when it comes to doing government for people!
16Oh My Goodness…
Someday when people are accepted for whom they are this kind of hinkiness might go away.
17But for now, is it a bug or a feature of the system that Grand Old Perverts take advantage of…
I thought to be a Republican you had to be a pervert. Just sayin’.
18Next in line for a pardon? Trump is going to be budy.
19Jeeze, the size of that guy!!
Instead of getting his suits at the Big & Tall Shop, he probably has to order them from Specialized Building Materials.
Omar the Tentmaker. Runs a special every quarter.