I’m Not Getting Paid. Are Your Getting Paid? Who the Hell is Getting Paid.
Yeah, he wishes.
Republican Colorado Senator Cory Gardner has been getting a mess of phone calls.
Gardner said his office is getting so many calls and emails, his has staff assigned to do nothing except respond to them. In one night, his office received 3,000 voicemails. Many of them were from what Gardner calls paid protesters from other parts of the U.S.
Paid protestors? Yeah, whistle past that graveyard, Buddy.
I guess he meant to say “pissed off protestor” and it just came out “paid protestors.”
To their credit, the Denver teevee station adds this —
Editor’s Note: CBS4 has asked Sen. Cory Gardner’s office for evidence of out-of-state paid protesters calling the office, and CBS4 plans to follow up on the story this week.
Bless Cory’s heart, Hillary carried Colorado. So, you know, you might give him a call. His Denver office number is (303) 391-5777. You might let him know you’re not being paid.