I’m More Worried About A Guy Who Accepts Bribes

June 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, okay, everybody is all “Damn Those Republicans!” this morning when it became apparent that the GOP had bribed Virginia Democratic State Senator Phillip Pucket to resign and thereby give them the power to reject Obamacare in Virginia.

Hell, I am far madder at the damn Democrat for taking the bribe.  We are supposed to be better than that.



The bribe is that his daughter gets a judgeship and Puckett gets the job of deputy director of the state tobacco commission.  So now you have a guy sitting on the state tobacco commission, a job which involves awarding economic development grants funded by the national tobacco litigation settlement.  So you’re going to trust a guy who is bribable to sit on a commission in charge of millions of dollars?

And you want a judge who didn’t get there on her own but through her father’s under the table dealings?  You really want a George W Bush sitting on a court?

Terry Kilgore, a Republican who confirmed the deal, said, “I would say that he wanted to make sure his daughter kept her judgeship. A father’s going do that.”

What father is going to do that?  Certainly not mine.  My Daddy would have said, “Baby Girl, I believe in you.  I think you can be anything you want to be.  I want you to get it on your own so that you will always know that you did it yourself.”  Additionally, my Daddy would have never taken a bribe, especially one where people may die.

Look, I expect Republicans to be crooks.  I live in Tom DeLay’s old district, for pete’s sake.  I walk around at night with a lantern looking for an honest Republican and so far I’ve come up with diddle squat.

From this day forward when I accidentally hit my thumb with a hammer, I am going holler, “Puckett!”

And that’s what Virginia Democrats who let him get away with this can do.  They can Puckett.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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