I’m Kinda Stunned
Did you know that last Friday a guy tried to set off a bomb in a terrorist attack at the airport in Asheville, North Carolina?
Yeah, I didn’t either.
The man authorities say left an explosive device at Asheville Regional Airport on Friday morning that contained ammonium nitrate and fuel oil said he was preparing to “fight a war on U.S. soil,” according to a criminal complaint filed in federal court.
Michael Estes, 46 years old, walked into the airport with a bag around midnight. He disappeared from the surveillance camera for a few seconds and then emerged without the bag.
Security checked the bag and a trained police dog alerted them that the bag contained a bomb. It was a homemade bomb with an alarm clock attached.
Michael Estes
In the complaint, investigators noted that the type of device found at the airport, called “AN/FO” explosives, has been used “in a number of terrorist-related incidents around the world in the past.
“When AN/FO comes into contact with a flame or other ignition source it explodes violently,” the complaint states. “Shrapnel or nails or ball bearings are often items added to the device so as to increase the devastation inflicted by the explosion.”
The materials used to make the bomb were traced back to Estes, who confessed to “preparing to fight a war on U.S. soil.”
Now imagine if Estes had been a Muslim. Or black. Donald Trump would have tweeted all weekend about it. It would be headlining the news.
Now that right there? That’s white privilege gone insane.
Thanks to SGray for the heads up.