I’m Just Pondering the Possibility

January 04, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning, The Washington Post announced that Trump’s lawyers are trying to stop publication of the book “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

Do you want to know the first and only reason I cannot wait to give Amazon all my money for that book? Donald Trump double-down-hard doesn’t want me to read it.  Otherwise, I wouldn’t give a big bear’s butt about it.

However, I figure, if Trump doesn’t want me to read it, it must be true.

Now here’s where it gets weird in my head.  Since Trump is kinda good at collusion, what if he and author Michael Wolff got together to “write a book.”  The book is just full of hooey, but they stage this show of lawyers with paper lances to sell those books?  Huh, have you thought about that?  No?  Okay, so it’s just me.  Never mind.

Anyway, it’s gonna be some dandy fun watching lawyers squabble. That’s worth a couple of bucks.


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0 Comments to “I’m Just Pondering the Possibility”

  1. I’m with you, J.J. Anybody who calls the Trumps behavior treasonous is dealing in truth. Nobody so far has had the guts to use the T word. It’s been too long in coming. That plus the fact that high sales just might push T-Rump over the edge are 2 more reasons to get that book. All hail the power of the pen!

  2. 1smartcanerican says:

    I see that the MSNBC crew all have hard copies of the book already, so it seems that it should be released to all today, not in another 5 days!

  3. bernie Spencer says:

    The conservative blog Red State reports “There isn’t enough popcorn in all of Orville Redenbacher’s kingdom to last us through the epic battles to come.”

  4. e platypus onion says:

    There are apparently, dozens of hours of audio tape to backup Wollf’s claims about utterances from people inside.

    Not that that would stop Drumpf from lying about it and then lying about the lies he lied about.

  5. The tRump (mal)Administration is going to be known as the “Full Employment for Lawyers” era. Bubba, at least, ought to be happy about that!

  6. RepubAnon says:

    I can’t see Trumpski ever agreeing to a scheme where he isn’t portrayed as a suuuper genius. I could see him buying all the rights and then saying it was all a big joke on the non-Fox media…

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    I hope my memory serves me right here. Trump is blatting about how Bannon was only on the fringe and not really an important staffer and and and blah blah hoop. That must be why Trump put his messy pal on the National Security Council, right?

  8. Frank McCormick says:

    “Since Trump is kinda good at collusion, what if he and author Michael Wolff got together to ‘write a book.'”

    Now Miz Juanita Jean you’ve got ME started as well. What if this is another Dan Rather/font kerning episode with once embedded false flag to discredit the rest of the true assertions.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    He did the same to James Comey before firing him.

  10. Fred Farklestone says:

    The publisher moved up the publishing date to Jan 5, tomorrow!

    Out tomorrow: Trump’s threat against Michael Wolff‘s book backfires spectacularly as publisher moves up release date


  11. Old Quaker says:

    He’s such a dumb-ass he doesn’t know he’s selling tons of books for Wolf.
    And his archenemy, Bezos, is the seller. Irony is so sweet.

  12. Janice Min , who is a part owner of The Hollywood Reporter, says she was one of the 6 guests at the Bannon – Ailes dinner that Wolf hosted back in January 2017. That’s the same dinner Wolf quotes extensively from in his Book. She says everything she’s seen from the book is “absolutely accurate.”

  13. We could probably help move that book to #1 bestseller pretty fast.

  14. Just checked and found that my local library has eight copies already. I am now #58 on the waiting list. It didn’t take long for people to line up for this. I may just go ahead and buy it anyway.

  15. Coprolite says:

    Meine Frau called from her mother’s today, to tell me she missed me and she also ordered a copy, so look for it in the mail in a week or so. Oh, boy I get a couple weeks headstart on it before she returns.

  16. Tilphousia says:

    I just may have to get this one. Can’t wait at the library. Cockwomble is sooooo stupid! His actions put the book on the best seller list before it’s release. Such fun to see the dwellers of the cesspool hunting one another.

  17. There is actually a 24 hour book store in my area that I don’t know about! Damn! As for Trump reading the book, hey, why would he do that? I am beginning to think that a lot of his problems started with learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyscalculia. Note his “performance” in school, from start to finish at U/Penn. The bad behavior may have had such a wellspring. I taught for awhile in my youth and I did have learning disabled kids in the class. They were always the ones who did crazy stuff to distract from their inabilities. This included harming others or at least threatening to do so. Does this ring a bell? trump DOES NOT READ. He is visual, as in TV viewing and yes he can hear. His attention span is damn near zero, hence the walking out of meetings, etc. Anyone else out there who has experience with learning disabled kids/adults? Would love to hear it!

  18. Too many of the quotes assigned to Trump and his minions have been verified, either by tape or individual verification for this to be a Trump counter-intelligence(?) move. Especially regarding the Trumped-up excuse for Jr.’s Russian meeting, a staffer quits in protest of the obstruction of justice on Air force One.
    Putin’s long term plan to weaken America by installing the Dotard-In-Chief has played out much more successfully than he could imagine. Our allies are alienated, our enemies emboldened and our government is in chaos. And Putin didn’t have to fire a shot.
