I’m Just Dropping By To Say …

November 11, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Chuck, you missed Donnie’s earliest and longest fears.

    1. STDs
    2. Military service and service in general
    3. Ex-wives and pre-nups
    4. Mistresses and NDAs

    FIFY & love,
    Cousin Amy

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    PS Chuck – Donnie’s biggest fear – intelligent women, particularly women of ethnicity. ~Cousin Amy

  3. Granted, I think his biggest fear is of intelligent women, but fear of somebody seeing his tax returns and probing his businesses and why he sucks up to Putin is high on the list.

  4. His biggest fear is that someone will figure out he’s a fraud.
    Sure, lots of folk have figured that out, but his narcissisitic self deludes him into thinking he’s got everything under control, so the fear of discovery remains paramount.

  5. I have rarely seen anything except a snarling scowl or raging bully look in pictures and video of RAT45’s facial expressions in the last three years.

    Just look at his delighted submissive smile-shit eating grin as Putin approaches him in the Paris picture at the Twitter link below:


    The traitorous son of a bitch… totally owned and operated by Vladimir Putin, a life-long enemy of the USA.
    Can you imagine the reactions of the Rethuglikans and RWNJs if SOBOTUS’ scowling faces had previously been consistently exhibited by President Obama to the nation, then he gave such a look of admiration, nay- adoration, at Putin?

  6. In the not too distant future:

    Trump gets his Washington DC military parade.
    The troops march, & tanks roll down Pennsylvania Ave.
    When the defenders of America reach their Commander in Chief, and look up, Trump is nowhere visible in the specially constructed VIP viewing boxes. Earlier, he looked on the Twitter weather forecast; mostly cloudy, breezy, and 30% chance of light showers.

    He’ll Tweet 140 characters (or less) to them for their service.

  7. Like his relative the Wicked Witch of the West the current potus is so prehistoric and Wicked that all the blood in his body has dried up. Thus if he should come into contact with rain, the rain could burn his skin like acid and dissolve him into a fecal puddle on the floor.

  8. That Other Jean says:

    @Tom: I think you’re right. Trump is a fraud from head to heels (fake hair, fake bone spurs, fake fortune), and he’s terrified that he will be exposed. Putin knows, of course, since he’s been propping up the fraud with Russian money; but he can be convinced to keep quiet, and the help/money will keep coming, so long as Trump does what he wants.

    It’s Americans–at least a few of them–that scare Trump most. Most of the Republican members of Congress, can, apparently, be bought off by signing on to their pet projects; most of his base either likes his bullying and bigotry or believes in his job promises. But there are still Robert Mueller, who can’t be bought off, and Stormy Daniels, an intelligent woman with a story to tell, who won’t be scared away. They, and the people who work with them, may yet expose all that Donny hopes will never see the light of day, and remove him from office.

  9. I’m more worried about gang bang brett trying to throttle RBG ala what happened when one of walkers pet judges on the Wiscosin supreme court got upset by having his stupidity pointed out to him and physically attacked a female supreme court justice and then with his fellow thuglican justices refusing to testify as to what happened ( probably fear of perjury v. dissappointing their masters the koch bros.) then passing judgement upon the incident by giving their fellow thug a pass since one must expect these things to happen during judicial conferences.
    i hope if it does occur, knowing the 5 twits on the supreme court would give him a pass on it that RBG gives him such a knee in the groin as to permantly cripple him and nueter him as well.

  10. K, that last paragraph sure put a smile on my face. Love that mental image…!

  11. Off subject

    Mississippi senate race.
    1) Reports are that state party is beyond incompetent and into fraudelent. No coordinator D party campaign. Holding D candinates up for “contributions/ fees” to gain access to anything d. Sitting on approx. $800K after the election while local candinates were starved of funds.

    2) Mike Espy, who is African American male, got approx. same 41% of vote in “jungle” primary ala California, Wa. etc. No one got 50% so runoff.

    3) Thuglican candinate in the race for senator of the state that murdered Emmett Till is a white woman.

    4) She just “joked” in rural mississippi that if big money rancher invited her to a lynching( hanging) she would go.

    5) Unlikely victory, but so was Doug Jones, and with her pouring gas on a fire who knows? At least I hope they make her sweat and tattoo that “joke” on her name in the public forever.

  12. @Micr #7

    I’m hoping the House drops on him.

  13. Everyone involved in this administration should be walking around with brown paper bags over their heads.

  14. WA Skeptic, some of them should have plastic bags over their heads, tightly fastened about the neck.

  15. @Phyllis
