“I’m Going To Be A Better Patient”

February 07, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Whenever the Fort Bend Democrats – another Professional Political Organization that I have been involved in – had an event, you could always depend on Congressman Al Green (TX CD-09) to attend.

In Fort Bend County, he was, and is, ubiquitous.

His speeches at these events ranged from the mundane to hell-raising barn burners.

He was just there. Always there.

So when the MAGA Republicans tried to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas yesterday, Congressman Green had a little surprise for them.

He was there.

Because the Republicans have been busy trimming their own numbers when their hold on the majority was tenuous at best, getting a successful vote to impeach a member of the President’s cabinet was going to be close.

Real close.

They had some known dissenters. Three lone Republicans that still had a dash of conscience left in them were a “No”. They could handle that. But no more.

Mayorkas was going to be impeached by the Republicans in the House by one vote: 215-214. They had counted. They had the votes. Mayorkas was toast.

The Republicans had counted, yes. And they counted Al Green out. Green was, after all, in hospital recovering from emergency abdominal surgery. Green was definitely out.

Then Congressman Al Green wheeled into the House Chamber from his hospital bed to cast his “No” vote, which brought the vote total to a dead even 215-215.

Just before closing the vote, one MAGAn changed his vote to “No” to allow the matter to be brought up to a vote again.

Final tally: the resolution failed 216-214.

This flummoxed the least sapient of the TFGists, MTG, who accused Democrats of hiding “one of their members”.

Not so. When Congressman Green, at rest in his hospital bed, was informed of the impending impeachment vote, he was convinced that the Republicans had the votes for passage, because why would they bring the resolution up for a vote if they didn’t think it would pass? Democrats certainly wouldn’t.

“I had to cast this vote because this is a good, decent man whose reputation should not be besmirched.”

So he did. And Mike Johnson gaveled the vote to a close while wiping the egg off his face.

Green is back in his hospital bed now. And he promises to be a better patient.

0 Comments to ““I’m Going To Be A Better Patient””

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Half Empty, thank you for this. Wow! All I can think of is this guy is a hero. Heart warming in this crazy time. Hope your Fort Bend Democrats do something worthy of him the next time he’s there. He deserves all of our gratitude.

  2. Many thanks to Rep. Green.

    About: “Mike Johnson gaveled the vote to a close while wiping the egg off his face”.
    That wasn’t ‘egg’ on Mikey’s sorry face. It was a nasty substance from between Komrade Donnei’s fat butt cheeks.
    The whole damned bunch of Rethugs keep cramming themselves in there to get a rapturous sniff. A pilgrimage to TFFG’s butt crack is now the most important worshipful ritual possible to all of these vermin [Rethuglikan officeholders and everyday rank and file Repubs, AKA your neighbors].

  3. Thanks for this. The problem, IMHO, is that the GQPers have no shame. Fortunately, they can’t count votes, either. They dissed Pelosi six ways from Sundays; but, this never happened when she was Speaker.

    Just for laughs: next Tuesday is the special election in New York to fill the seat of George Santos. The “majority” party may be shorn of another vote. Not that that would make me sad or anything.

  4. MTG thinks a member was hiding? In clear sight while voting?

    Sounds a lot like the overall general blindness of the Republican House.

    Maybe next she’ll accuse Dems of hiding a border deal.

  5. Kenneth Jason Fair says:

    Al Green used to be my Congressman (I’ve since moved out of his district). This action is completely in line with my impression of him–someone who isn’t a grandstander, but who does what needs to be done and represents his constituents well. We need a lot more like him and a lot less like MTG.

  6. Half Empty, thanks for that. And definitely thanks to the Honorable Mr Green.
    Rick: Methinks our Brother Sandridge has already provided the explanation for the conundrum you point out.
    And it’s not just that faceplanting in trump’s ass blocks the vision, because honestly, even as colossal as it is, how many can actually fit?
    But the blindness to everything outside of the rectal neighborhood they’re so desperate to inhabit is brought on by the sheer amount of effort required to keep up with sooo many competing for the same shitty real estate.

  7. Mr Speaker damn well knew Al Green was in the hospital for emergency abdominal surgery. Why else would he rush that vote? Al was probably relieved to be recovering knowing the GQP didn’t have the votes. Kudos to Minority Leader Jeffries for letting Al know about the shenanigans. I imagine Rep. Green was thrilled to have his ‘moment’ to remind these clowns that Democrats know how to whip votes. And how dare they call him out for grandstanding. What a great image. Go Al. He always was a most colorful character.

  8. It almost looks like they were trying to protect some Reps from purple districts who needed to be seen resisting the stupid grandstanding vote. And miscounted. Or got mousetraped by Green.

  9. thatotherjean says:

    Thank you for letting us know how that vote from Al Green came to be, Half Empty. The man is a hero. I hope Rep. Green is left to recover in peace, and that the Republicans take a while to recover from their ignominy, trying to sneak in a vote to impeach the head of Homeland Security while Rep. Green was recovering from surgery.

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    Steve @1

    I am sending 50 Ameros to Mr Green to buy flowers for his wife, because if his is anything like mine, he is gonna get cussed out good and hard for leaving the hospital.
