I’m a Little Scared to Do This

June 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

But, here’s goes.

Momma, do not click this link.  It has some bad words in it, Momma.  I’m sorry and I’m not putting the You Tube on the site, only a link to it because I know you’d come after me with feet on fire clutching a bar of Ivory Soap.

Momma, don’t click this link.  Nobody at work should click this link either.  However, if you’re at home and there’s no kids around, you are going to fall in love with this woman.

Thanks to Big Hardy for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “I’m a Little Scared to Do This”

  1. I love it … absolutely LOVE IT … Thanks for sharing!! I’m going to pass it around … the video that is!

  2. Gramiam says:

    Dang it, JJ! See what happens when I dash over here to share this with you? You beat me to it! Heeheeheehee!

  3. aggieland liz says:

    WHOOP! and there weren’t any bad words in it, SCIENTIFIC TERMS are NOT BAD WORDS! And “clam” is a very mild slang term and “pickle” too. Those panty-waisted bozos in Michigan need to grow up. Do they think their mamas found them under cabbage leaves?! Good grief!

  4. Rachel should run that as the Best New Thing in the World.

  5. Punkinbugg says:

    LOL love it. I agree with tbyg – hope Rachel sees it somehow!

  6. Susan Cummings says:

    Oh, lordy, that was FN wonderful. Wanna teach that to my campfire homies!

  7. I guess the Michigan legislature doesn’t have a Dick, Johnson, or penis in it.

  8. I just stole it fair and square, ’cause your mamma don’t have my number.

  9. Right up there with these (which apologies for posting again if I got them here):

    Virginia Doesn’t Own My Vagina, folksong by Libby Wiebel, 2’11”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybs_kDYrlQs

    I’m a slut, slut, slut (and snob and eltitist), 3’47”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZK75pXLlbY

  10. Honey, there ain’t no bad words to be found, and everybody loves country music. This one needs to go viral. I’ve featured it on my blog (with a H/T to you), Facebook, Google+ and tweeted it.

  11. Another Ellen in Texas says:

    Absolutely marvelous. Thanks Juanita Jean!

  12. Austinhatlady says:

    Yup. Juanita Jean’s correct. Love her.

  13. Thank goodness I watched that in the evening. Saved me a keyboard/monitor cleanup.
    Great link! I’m with Mule Breath – it should go viral.

  14. vagina, vagina, vagina. Booga Booga!

  15. Great video! I really like the ones that Rhea posted also.

  16. I literally laughed out loud at this one. Since I’m at the office, that could have been bad. The good news is that it is Saturday, I’m eating my lunch (hence, off the clock), and no one else is here. God love her! I’m passing this one on. I’m with Mule Breath. This one needs to go viral.


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