I’ll “Take Crooked Foreign Banks That Love Republicans” for $500, Alex
I don’t even know where to start to remind you of how totally evil UBS is. It’s a Swiss global financial services company that admitted helping Americans hide money to keep from paying taxes. And that was some of the nicer things it’s done. You can start here.
Now, why any politician would want to take money from a bank so damn corrupt and toxic beats the hell outta me. But they do and have no shame about it.
After all, Randy Neugebauer has yacht payments to make.
Yeah, he took $5,000 to his Super PAC from them.
But, that’s not the only sleaze who takes their money. Lookie here.
Rubio already took $10,000 from them for a race that isn’t even happening for two years. Now that’s swanky, ain’t it?
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.
How does a Swiss company get to make contributions to a US political race? Did the Supreme Court say anybody anywhere in the world could buy an election?
1I’m guessing this is a case of “when Republicans benefit, it’s not illegal.”
2Phil Gramm’s bank. Why be surprised?
3Randy Noogabooger… the crazy who shouted out “Baby Killer” on the House floor…. I want to shout Baby Killer back at him everytime I hear him pontificate about deporting all those illegal alien children back to their homes. Guess that is just more evidence that pro-lifers like Randy and his numerous protestations about how all life is sacred, is intended only for white fetuses. He even talked about his Savior Jesus Christ on his Christmas Greetings tv ads this past December…. His contribution list is always a real interesting read. No surprise that Phil Gramm tucked Randy gently into his pocket. Ick.
4Dear heavens child..
Do you really think they care…… where the money comes from.. (I started to type “from whence”…… but whatever.)??
It’s money they can spend to continue to get re-elected. Or buy a yacht, or a new car….. or what ever. They don’t care.
Money …. to them… is money……
JJ…. It’s the political world we live in. It sucks. But it is what it is…and the reason I’ve dropped out of it…. is simple….. I won’t live to see it changed.
5I think the heading should read “Republicans Who Love Crooked Foreign Banks”….
And I think this story should get a LOT of publicity.
6Now its official. You can track Repugs AND their banks by their smell. And of course, just as they have a tin ear for so many things, they themselves have no sense of the odiforous.
7I wonder who in the 2014 race Rubio is going to donate this money to? Is this one of the places dark money comes from?
8Dang. you just had to bring Up Phil Gramm’s corrupt, sleazy Business Didn’t ya? now I got to shower all over again..,…
9I don’t think it’s true love, though. Sounds more like lust.
10Elizabeth, it’s called dark money. The Clinton-era laws that allowed large multinationals to merge more easily, along with the repeal of Glass-Steagall, made this odiferous stuff legal, and once the SCOTUS permitted dark money contributions (which can come from anywhere in the world) to political campaigns, all pretense of decency and honesty was gone.