I’ll Say Amen To That, Lead The Choir, and Pass The Plate

November 10, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Mean Rachel pondered up some mean yesterday.

Juanita has often said that given a choice between a Democratic candidate who claims to vote like a Republican and a candidate who is a Republican, voters will pick the real thing every time.

Voters want someone who stands for something beside election.  They want tough folks who believe in somedamnthing. Even if it’s somedamnthing crazy nuts.  They want someone who will fight for them.  We haven’t done that in a while.  We run scared with even a threat of a fillibuster.

Until we can say, “Tee it up, Boehner,” we don’t deserve leadership.

Okay, I’ll put my soapbox up and go enjoy the beautiful day.  But, first, I’ll find out what fun Hal is having with the Tom DeLay trial.

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