I’ll Give You An Answer

February 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump had another Tweet Fit this morning.  Here’s just one of them concerning a  Washington Post story.  It’s a damn shame that his thumbs don’t corrode.


“Who would do this in a public place with live security?”

I dunno, maybe a guy who owns the security cameras?

I dunno, maybe a guy who grabs women by the you know what?

Here’s the part of all this that makes me so mad that if I didn’t sweat, I’d catch fire.  This is a guy who sold an American election to the Russians, showed no interest at all in governing, sold cabinet positions to people he full well knew were going to fail while ripping off taxpayers of what probably amounts to millions of dollars, allowed his son-in-law to view top security without a clearance and then use that information to enrich himself, tried to destroy every news organization except Fox and Friends, and I’m not even warmed-up yet.

But, it is going to be s-e-x that brings him down.  I hate that America is that stoopid.


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