I’ll Give You An Answer

February 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump had another Tweet Fit this morning.  Here’s just one of them concerning a  Washington Post story.  It’s a damn shame that his thumbs don’t corrode.


“Who would do this in a public place with live security?”

I dunno, maybe a guy who owns the security cameras?

I dunno, maybe a guy who grabs women by the you know what?

Here’s the part of all this that makes me so mad that if I didn’t sweat, I’d catch fire.  This is a guy who sold an American election to the Russians, showed no interest at all in governing, sold cabinet positions to people he full well knew were going to fail while ripping off taxpayers of what probably amounts to millions of dollars, allowed his son-in-law to view top security without a clearance and then use that information to enrich himself, tried to destroy every news organization except Fox and Friends, and I’m not even warmed-up yet.

But, it is going to be s-e-x that brings him down.  I hate that America is that stoopid.


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0 Comments to “I’ll Give You An Answer”

  1. If history is any guide, his claims will promptly be refuted by pictures, autographed books, multiple witnesses, and probably video.

    If twitter didn’t exist, the saga of Donald Trump, POTUS, wouldn’t be believable.

  2. Wants you to forget Hes a Bastard,[sorry Mom].
    Hes as Illegitimate as you can get.

  3. “But, it is going to be s-e-x that brings him down. I hate that America is that stoopid.”

    Actually I think this will be inverted. Trump has already shown that he is utterly untouchable with regard to the Republicans that control congress and the evangelicals that have shown that morality is very relative to them.

    Because of this I think Trump will be shut down eventually by due process. Either the election will go against him and Democrats will actually get some governmental power or the criminal proceedings will get so bad that he will be forced to retire “for personal reasons.”

  4. Since when was “a woman I don’t know” a disqualifying feature for Trump’s outrageous behavior? And he apparently has done this so often and his brain isn’t the “best” no matter what he claims, those are reasons he wouldn’t remember.

  5. “I hate that America is that stoopid.”


    PS – It’s also exceedingly depressing to see one’s country swirling down the drain, more so that 40% of one’s countrymen are cheering the process.


    In much the same way post-WW2 Germany demolished as many of the surviving Adolph Hitler artifacts as possible to prevent them from becoming shrines to Hitler and Nazism, so should America have a catharsis after Kim Jong Drumpf is gone. The “Trump” name removed from every building in the 50 states on which it now hangs and a prohibition on using the “Trump” name for 75 years on another building in the 50 states. Decompose his rotting corpse via alkaline hydrolysis and spread the remainder in an inaccessible spot on Groom Lake AFB. And require the placing of asterisk next to his name on any future list of American presidents, to indicate his having been elected under questionable circumstances and having engaged in various felonies and misdemeanors while in office.

    If you cast a vote for Donald Trump in either the primary or the general election in 2016 you should lose the right to ever vote again, for the entirety of your life.

    I can’t even describe the kind of blowtorch hell to which I’d like to witness his high placed enablers subjected to for eternity.

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    Tell us how you really feel, micr!

    Actually, I get to watch.

  8. Maybe the plaque welcoming people to America at Ellis Island will be replaced after Trump leaves office:


  9. Back to the drawing board where a busy Mickey Cohen is reviewing security tapes and face palming himself over how he missed that one. It’s never Donnie’s fault.

    Meanwhile Republicons in Congress have also been busy playing “rabbit? what rabbit?” as the Thief-in-Chief sends his namesake Dimwit to India to thumb their Drumpf noses at every word in the Emoluments Clause.

    Senate voted 98-2 to impose further sanctions on Russia. The deadline was January 29th. We’re waiting…

    As we wait for the 2018 elections to do what we can, vote, there is actually some hope. While Robert Mueller and his team focus on the Drumpf/Kushner crime families, students at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl are giving us a tutorial on how to deal with knuckle dragging NRA owned politicians.

  10. JJ your last sentence says it all.

  11. Also, it occurs to me that he probably can’t do anything for two whole minutes.

  12. joel hanes says:

    If sex were going to bring him down, it would have done so already.

    Money-laundering and other felony violations of New York state laws will eventually do him in, even if nothing else that Mueller finds does so first.

  13. It takes a special brand of narcissism to fail to realize that screaming about something just draws attention to it.

  14. mollusk:
    Malignant Narcissism.
    It’s a term coined in the 60s. It’s still considered hypothetical by some, but it fits Donnie Douchebag perfectly.

  15. Malignant narcissism! That fits so well. Thanks P.P for putting it so succinctly.
    Micr, I loved your rant. It was everything I’ve thought about that horse’s behind and it felt good reading it and agreeing with every word.
    Newest cause for impeachment: dereliction of duty, for not protecting America from the Russians’ past cyber attacks and those to which we will be subjected in the future.

  16. lobstershift says:

    Donnie can’t read, or wants to mislead. The story clearly states that the kissing took place in an elevator lobby high up in Trump Tower. The woman in question, a sweet young thing from Ohio, introduced herself to the big star, Trump, who was waiting for the elevator. He began kissing her on each cheek, then kissing her on the mouth and wouldn’t let her go, pressing himself up against her. Then his elevator arrived and he left.
    She went back to her receptionist desk and told her friend, her mother and her boyfriend.
    Donald Trump was only the second man who had ever kissed her.
    It wasn’t out in the open in the downstairs lobby of Trump Tower, but in a secluded and private elevator lobby. That’s how he could get away with it and now deny it.

  17. Seems like it’s an example of what ____ has already proudly stated w/Billy Bush

    Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

  18. lobstershift, I read that article too. She said she, perhaps through her lawyer, had asked for the security camera footage more than once, but never got it. It may be destroyed by now.

  19. He can’t remember assaulting this woman for the same reason I can’t always remember if I’ve locked the car door– because I do it automatically and it doesn’t register.

    If all the women he’s grabbed without asking were to get together in one place, you’d need a stadium to hold them all. A big stadium. Lambeau Field might not be big enough.
