If You’re Not Busy Next Monday, Be Gay For A Day

March 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Steven Hotze is a long time Texas rightwing twit.  He’s also a kingmaker in Republican circles.  He’s so beloved by the Steeple People that he sells his endorsement to candidates.  I’m not kidding.

He’s also a raging homophobe.  I mean, just saying the 5 syllable word ho-mo-sex-u-al comes out of his mouth slowly, self-satisfyingly and with the aroma of expensive French perfume.

He’s calling for a big ole rally on the state capitol grounds to protect God’s vision of marriage.  Do not ask me to explain his use of the word “mirage” for gay marriage because it appears to be an inside joke – inside his head.

So get on the bus and join “hundreds” of state lawmakers to keep Texas safe for hate.

Yes, he is a medical doctor.  No, I would not go to him.

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0 Comments to “If You’re Not Busy Next Monday, Be Gay For A Day”

  1. Look him up in the Texas Medical Board website. He has no speciality training nor certification. He reports that he is not board certified in any specialty nor has he had any post md residency training. He is a “hormone” doctor, whatever the hell that is. Probably takes a few too many hormones himself, scrambled his brain.

    Another example of the crap that gets elected in our good ole Texas. Hopefully he can’t reproduce any more.

  2. Angelo Frank says:

    “Militant homosexuals”

    This non-board certified quack is inciting violence against gay people with his hyperbole.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Will you settle for “positively giddy”?

  4. Old Mayfly says:

    Hotze is a Reconstructionist–one of those “we real Christians need to take over the country and stone those fake Christians” people. No, kidding.

  5. Steven F. Hotze, HD (Doctor of Hate)

  6. Marge Wood says:

    No,, you’re not kidding Old Mayfly. Christian Reconstructionists or Dominionists really do want to do that. I mean, they are nuts. Sorry. Go look up a bunch of well known GOPers and see who is a Reconstructionist.

  7. He appears to be a quack who could endanger lives with his advice on thyroid problems. Furthermore he treats “adrenal fatigue.” That’s “fatigue,” which is not a recognized as a disease by real doctors, not adrenal insufficiency, which is real. I don’t know what god he follows, but I think I’ll walk in the opposite direction.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    OK. So almost a doctor, not so much a hottie Hotze, plans to rent a bus for himself and his best friend, maybe two friends.


    I mean really, Steve. We millennials require excitement. A bus ride just doesn’t cut it.

    Now Miss Juanita Jean, she has ideas! “If You’re Not Busy Next Monday, Be Gay For A Day” Yee Haw!!!! That sounds like fun. Ride into Austin on horses waving the PFLAG Banner, music, food, dancing and just some down home fun with good people, gay and straight. Would have said gay, straight and undecided, but I don’t expect to meet any Republicans at the event. Truth be told, the promise of a day without Republicans holds a lot of promise.

  9. “This will lead to teaching homosexual behavior to school children.” Them is fightin’ words sure to rile up the low information voters (morons) and ensure a big turnout to show the LIBERALS that people just don’t get to be who they are in Texas or anyplace else for that matter. Ole doc missed a class or two in biology and genetics.

  10. Al Wright says:

    Oklahoma elected a homophobic US Senator, Inhoffe who had a group picture of all his family to prove that homosexuality does not exist. Showed it around the Senate Chambers and actually held it up during one of their show and tell periods on the floor of the Senate. Your fellow should be elected to the Senate to show the Okie a thing or two.

  11. He rather reminds me of Rand Paul, the self-board certified “eye doctor” who did not complete his classwork. It used to be that I had to wait as long as Christmas before I saw this many nut cakes at one time! Cotton and the other 46, Hotze, Glenn Beck, and on and on and on.

  12. Gidget Commando says:

    Oh, JJ, I’m so sorry to interrupt this fine thread, but there’s news! Oh, my, is there news! Aaron “What do you mean, you don’t like my office in high bordello red?” Schock is resigning!


  13. @Gidget Commando: You beat me to the punch!

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Between him and Donna Campbell, I’m glad I have a doctor with a South East Asian name.

  15. Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm. Hotze Oath: First do harm and then fleece the rubes.

  16. Sam near San Antonio says:

    He’s trained as anallergist who sells hormones that destroy lives because he is as inept at medicine as he is at morality. He overcharges by 2000-3000%.

  17. Katy Tyrell says:

    Can you point me to anything about “Hotze sells his endorsement” that would keep me from being successfully sued for libel? I would LOVE to turn up at his rally with a big sign that says so.

  18. Juanita Jean says:

    Katy, go to the Google machine. Run the search “steve hotze endorsements pay to play” and you won’t even need a lawyer.

  19. 1toughlady says:

    Well, I’m straight, but maybe I’ll stroll over on Monday and annoy the maroons by pretending to be a lesbian. Might be fun.
