If You’re Going To Be A Crook, Be A Helluva Crook!
Alabama House Speaker Republican Mike Hubbard is a doozy. He got himself indicted on 23 counts. You can’t do that by accident. That kind of stuff has to be planned.
The highlights of some of his shenanigans.
Four counts of using of his office as Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party for personal gain;
One count of voting for legislation with a conflict of interest;
Eleven counts of soliciting or receiving a thing of value from a lobbyist or principal;
Two counts of using his office as a member of the Alabama House of Representatives for personal gain;
Four Counts of lobbying an executive department or agency for a fee;
One count of using state equipment, materials, etc. for private gain
Hey, but he was never indicted for coming to work smelling like he slept in a goat pen. No, wait, he as cavorting with lobbyists. Same thing.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.