If You Would Just Quit Calling It Obamacare ….

October 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Darrell Issa, the California Republican, has responded to the Democratic call for Republicans to come up with a plan to insure Americans.

Here’s the cool part:  It is exactly like Obamacare.

Seriously.  It’s the same damn plan.


Business Insider, certainly no liberal publication, explains that for Issa’s plan to work, it has to have the “free market” protections included under Obamacare.

So, this means that Republicans want to replace Obamacare with …. Obamacare.  Except they want to name it Issacare, Boehnercare, Mitchcare, or Cruz … no, wait, nobody wants to name it that, even Republicans.

You know, they are the ones who came up with the the name Obamacare.  And they better hope it tastes good when they have to eat it.

Thanks to Andrew for the heads up.

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