If You Play the “Role” of a Prostitute Twice, Is It Typecasting?

May 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Most of y’all know Hannah Giles of James O’Keefe / Hannah Giles Prostitute and Pimp at ACORN Fame.  And,  if you’ve been hanging around the beauty salon for a while, you know there is a Fort Bend County connection.

Hannah’s Grandmother is a doozy of a Super DeLux Brand Christian right here in my county.  Even our Congressvarmint, Pete Olson, got Hannah Congressional recognition for playing a hooker, which is kinda cool since it takes one to know one.

Well, then Hannah went into her second career playing a prostitute.  She sent out pink fundraising letters because she was the victim of the evil Obama people.  The nasty ole people at ACORN,  the ones she illegally taped, lied about, and tried to destroy, are fighting back against Little Miss Pink Innocence.

And, by gawd, they are winning.

As to Giles, the court rejected her argument that she can’t be liable because she wasn’t the one physically recording the conversation. “Penal Code § 31 [the aiding and abetting statute –EV] is applicable to § 632 which allows for Giles to be viewed as a principal [and thus potentially liable –EV] whether or not she actually physically recorded the confidential conversation.

So, she’s claiming that she was just an innocent bystander?  Dressed like a hooker?  I know, that happens to me all the time.  I’m just standing around dressed like a hooker and some dang fool next to me starts breaking the law.  If I had a nickle for every time that happened, I’d …. okay, okay, I wouldn’t even have a nickle.

I do not know what Hannah bought with the money people sent to pay for lawyers, because it obviously wasn’t lawyers.

Thanks to Deb and Kyle for the heads-up.

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