If You Don’t Have Twitter

December 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of the fun trends on Twitter is #NRAChristmasSongs.

If you don’t do Twitter, here’s the best ones.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “If You Don’t Have Twitter”

  1. Clever, but painful. I think I’m a little sensitive due to too much death, too much Christmas cheer, and too much sugar. But definitely quite clever.

  2. Rev. Bill McIntyre says:

    They left out my favorite “Little Gunner Boy”

  3. How about “Chestnuts Roasting while I Open Fire,” or ‘Silver Slugs,’ or “O Bloody Night.” Has anyone seen “Joyeaux Noel?” It’s a movie about a WW1 Christmas Eve cease fire in Germany, where the French and German troops helped bury each others’ dead, sang songs, and shared a meal. When the day was over, they realized they could not shoot at their new friends, so they each went their seperate ways. It is an amazing film, and based on a true story.

  4. The best one I saw was: “Do You Fear What I Fear” I hashtagged this one #republicannationalanthem

  5. daChipster says:

    Silencer Night
    Cockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
    O Little Town of Bodybags
    Santa Claus is Gunnin’ ‘Em Down
    Lock n Load, Lock n Load, Lock n Load
    Slay Ride
    Jingle Shells
    Gun Nuts Boasting as they Open Fire

  6. Aggieland liz says:

    Sorry y’all, I wept through “Away in a Manger” thinking about all those little kids (“and take us to heaven to live with thee there”) and one who wasn’t very old who may have loved Christmas too, once. I’m afraid I’m with Artemis. And between Sandy Hook, Webster, Bellaire, the dam’ NRA, and then add the men in skirts, I am almost overwhelmed with disgust and despair. Talk about the blind leading the blind! Geez!

  7. As usual, daChipster, you beat out every one I saw on the link!

    But rekster, I think you’ve nailed it on this one!

  8. @Sally, Joyeux Noel is an amazing movie. It is stunning, horrifying and transcendent. Beautiful music, too. You can rent it from Netflix.

    I can’t bear to watch the humorous NRA carols yet.

  9. Cheryl Wheeler writes and sings wonderful songs for many moods, including two about guns. “Don’t Forget the Guns” is a satirical take on the classic American family vacation:

    Don’t forget the guns; you know exactly what I mean–
    Bring the pistols, bring the Uzi, and the old AR-15.
    We don’t look for trouble, but by golly if we’re in it,
    It’s nice to know we’re free to blow 900 rounds a minute.


    And there’s her much more serious take, “If It Were Up To Me”, written in 1997 and still tragically relevant:


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op7agdIFOGY (this version displays the fast-paced lyrics)

    If you need to clean your brain after that, this is a great video to her “When Fall Comes to New England”:


  10. I don’t know how to do the Twitter thing to listen to the music. Is it just titles or are there actual songs in there? Great titles. We could compile our own book of homemade songs….

  11. Silver Shells, Silver Shells, it’s shooting time in the city…

  12. gidget commando says:

    Y’all are my kinda people.
