If They Are Just Gonna Watch, Why Don’t We Send Them To The Movies?

July 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have an idea.  And it’s just as good as Rick Perry’s idea to send the Texas National Guard to the border.

Perry admitted yesterday that the troops won’t be able to do anything but watch.

Most of the 1,000 National Guard troops headed to the Texas-Mexico border will take up observational positions and detain people only if they interfere with their mission, a top general over the deployment said Tuesday.

And their mission appears to be “watch.”

Y’all, we don’t even think their weapons are loaded.

Nichols said troops will be armed for their safety, but when asked if their weapons would be loaded would say only that ammunition would be in magazines.

“That’s about as far as I want to go because if the cartel folks understand what we can and can’t do then they may take advantage of that,” Nichols told The Associated Press.

Look, this is Texas.  If their weapons were loaded, General Nichols would have answered, “Hell, yes!”

So, the Texas National Guard will simply provide another 1,000 places where refugee children can turn themselves in.  You can walk right in front of them with a ton of cocaine and they can’t do diddle squat unless you try to keep them from watching.  I don’t even think they can make a citizen’s arrest.   Hellfire, they can’t even spit on you.

imagesSo, here’s my idea about how we can save some big money.  Send the Texas National Guard to the movies.  They can “watch” there.  Or be a real sport and give them a Netflix subscription.  That’s just $8 per month.  So, I mean right there you’re saving $11,992,000 a month on your watching budget.

Or, in the alternative, let them stay at home where they can carry a loaded weapon and they can watch the gigantic goofy governor on the teevee, where he lives now.


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