If The Shoe Fits

March 29, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


In an attempt at International Fame and Glory, Texas State Board of Education Member Don McLeroy gave an interview to a newspaper in Canada, where they apparently speak English.  I’ve even heard that some of them can read.

McLeroy’s main complain about The Libruls is:  “They want to make it look like we are dumb morons.”

“Well, thank you for trying on that shoe, Cinderella,” Juanita laughs, “now go get in that pumpkin for your ride home.”

This Canadian interview, which is in question and answer form, makes no judgment about McLeroy’s thinking mechanisms being a tad rusty.  You get to make those decisions for yourownself.  In defending free enterprise, this came up —

Q:  But didn’t the increase in government come about because free enterprise failed during the Depression?

A:  If I weren’t a dentist, I think I’d enjoy being a teacher, because that’s a great question to examine in history class. I’m not an expert, but basically a lot of people think we would have come out of the Depression sooner had it not been for the government interventions.

“See, Juantia says, “Librul me wants to the next question to be: But, Dr. Don, isn’t the point that you want us to teach simply what “a lot of people think” instead of facts?”

“Dr. Don makes hemmin’ and hawin’ a life skill.  That man is so slick that he can’t keep his socks up.”

“However,” she smiles with great personal satisfaction, “it’s nice to know that Dr. Don isn’t really upset with The Libruls.  He said so.  In public.”

Well, I’m not so upset with liberals. But when you get way off to the left, that’s what I don’t like.

“Uh, lookie over here to your left, Dr. Don.  See those people?  They are The Libruls.  And me?  I’m the one pointing and laughing toward the right.”

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